From Voter Purge Alert <>
Subject NY Times blockbuster: Mass voter purges underway
Date March 9, 2024 4:33 PM
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The New York Times has uncovered a major effort by right-wing
organizations to challenge voter registrations and purge voters from the
rolls in an "all-but-unnoticed effort that could have an impact in a close
or contentious election."^1

In just one Michigan town that the Times looked at, 1,000 voters were
stripped of their registrations — enough to potentially tip the balance in
a toss-up state. And the dark-money groups behind this effort are rolling
out this same strategy in battleground states across the country.

This is a serious threat to our democracy, but there's time to stop these
mass voter purges now.

Demand Progress Action is rallying public support for the Freedom to Vote
Act, legislation that would protect elections from partisan sabotage by,
among other provisions, preventing faulty, error-prone methods of purging
voter rolls.^2 Will you make a donation to help turn up the heat before
it's too late?

[ [link removed] ]Yes, I'll chip in to help Demand Progress Action build support for the
Freedom to Vote Act, and other key reforms.

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To be clear: Research shows that fraudulent voting is exceedingly rare and
that current procedures for maintaining voter rolls function well.^3

Since the 2020 election and the January 6 insurrection, we've seen a
series of attacks on voting rights based on false accusations of
widespread voter fraud.

The Freedom to Vote Act is the antidote to these attacks on voting rights.

This bill would safeguard voting rights by, among other provisions:

* Creating a national baseline for voting access, preempting many of the
most onerous restrictions that have been passed or proposed at the
state level in recent years.
* Requiring two weeks of early voting so people who have to work or
travel on Election Day can still vote.
* Implementing automatic and same-day voter registration nationwide.
* Requiring states to ensure that no voter is required to stand in line
longer than 30 minutes to vote.
* Cracking down on dark money by requiring organization who spends over
$10,000 to influence an election to report their donors.

Our democracy is hanging by a thread, and in the face of coordinated
efforts to disenfranchise large numbers of voters, we must act now. This
bill came achingly close to passing in the last Congress, and we must keep
pushing to get the job done.^4

[ [link removed] ]Will you donate $10 to Demand Progress Action and support
our work, including fighting to protect voting rights and passing the
Freedom to Vote Act?

With gratitude for all that you do,

The team at Demand Progress Action

[ [link removed] ]DONATE

1. The New York Times, "Trump's Allies Ramp Up Campaign Targeting Voter
Rolls," [ [link removed] ]March 3, 2024.
2. Brennan Center for Justice, "What the Freedom to Vote Act Would Do,"
[ [link removed] ]July 13, 2023.
3. The Washington Post, "A comprehensive investigation of voter
impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots
cast," [ [link removed] ]August 6, 2014.
4. Brennan Center for Justice, "Senate Votes No on Changing Filibuster
Rules: Brennan Center President Reacts," [ [link removed] ]January 19, 2022.

PAID FOR BY DEMAND PROGRESS (<a href="[link removed]"></a>) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Join our online community on <b><a href="[link removed]">Facebook</a></b> or <b><a href="[link removed]">Twitter</a>.</b>

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