There are two major problems with the Biden Administration’s plan to build a temporary port in Gaza to deliver more aid to hundreds of thousands of starving Palestinians.

Justice Democrats


During President Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday evening, he announced that his administration is planning to build a temporary port in Gaza to deliver more aid to hundreds of thousands of starving Palestinians.

The problem with that is, it does nothing to address:

  1. Israel’s continued blockade of aid trucks from reaching starving Palestinians
  2. The bombs being dropped on Gaza that the U.S. keeps funding.

The U.S. government will do literally everything but hold the Israeli government accountable for obstructing humanitarian aid.

Let’s start by not sending its military more bombs and weapons: add your name to our petition urging the Biden Administration to support a PERMANENT ceasefire and stop weapons transfers to Israel now →

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We should not have to create an entirely new port to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe created by Israel.

The World Food Programme has warned that “airdrops are only a last resort to reach Northern Gaza. Road routes are the only way to bring in the large quantities of food desperately needed to avert famine.”

As long as humanitarian aid is blocked by Netanyahu’s forces and we keep giving the Israeli military bombs to drop on innocent civilians, our government cannot claim to be doing everything it can to save lives in Gaza.

Join us in demanding the Biden Administration stop funding Israel’s bombs and weapons, and use its leverage to push for a permanent—not temporary— ceasefire NOW.

No more funding for genocide.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats