Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Saturday, March 9, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Carol Bauer
As you know, my wife, Carol, prepares a monthly prayer alert. I hope you will share Carol's thoughts with your friends and fellow worshipers. Thank you for taking an interest in her monthly devotion. -- Gary
There’s a touch of spring in the air here. Tiny crocus are blooming and daffodils are standing tall in the March breezes ready to pop with their happy sign of impending spring. The unfolding of a new season marks us inching closer to the epic election ahead.
Super Tuesday voting results usher in this very long general election season -- eight months to be exact. And this week’s State of the Union speech underscores the upcoming rematch of Trump vs. Biden 2.0. It is upon us, ready or not!
This rematch is a series of contrasts starting with the fact that it is one incumbent officeholder vs. a previous incumbent officeholder. Both have records, and those records are in back-to-back time periods, making the comparisons all the easier. From inflation to America’s standing in the world, from immigration/border records to crime statistics, there are easy “apple-to-apple” comparisons between the Trump years and the Biden years.
Current polling, and I emphasize current, shows an electorate leaning toward the former president and his policies. But keep in mind that the full force of Biden’s political operation and that of his allies has yet to be unleashed on his predecessor. The sprawling lawfare attacks across several jurisdictions and subject matters is just a taste of what will unfold in the months ahead. And the public’s reaction to months of court battles cannot be predicted.
Buckle up! It's going to be a long ride with twists and turns we cannot anticipate. But in the end, the American people can express their voice. Pray for the journey that is just now beginning to unfold.
Lord, help us to see this long election season as a marathon, not a sprint. It is easy to get caught up in the controversy of the day and lose sight of the big picture. Remind us to be skeptical and wary of efforts by news outlets and Big Tech to manipulate our views in a particular way by what we are told, how it is presented or what is omitted.
Sharpen our memories of the ways American voters were misled in the past and steel us to be on the lookout for such examples to be repeated. Give us a heavy dose of skepticism seasoned with common sense. Clear our heads and our hearts so we can see past the promises of future actions and feel-good platitudes and instead deal with the realities of what we have seen and lived.
Help us to be that winsome conversationalist who listens, asks questions, and responds with reason and empathy in this supercharged election season.
And finally, never let us take for granted the opportunity we have to chart the future course of the country we love and will leave to the generations behind us. Prompt us to use the avenues we have as Christian citizens to make a difference.
The issue of illegal immigration seems to be at the center of the hub from which many other issues radiate. Employment opportunities and government services for American citizens are curtailed to accommodate newly arrived illegal aliens. Schools must take in and take on the difficult task of educating children from across the world, while American kids are still struggling with learning loss experienced during Covid. (For context, 139 languages other than English are spoken by students in the Fairfax County Public School system!).
Illegal immigrants seem to get a pass in sanctuary cities where their crimes are not reported to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, resulting in tragic outcomes for American citizens. Our borders are wide open to friend and foe across the world, and immigrants smile as they say they were invited to come. The Biden administration even wants to change how we refer to people who break our laws with their first step into our country. Now they are “newcomers.”
When I was a kid, my mother was part of the Welcome Wagon, which welcomed newcomers to the neighborhood with friendly introductions, gift baskets, information on local businesses, schools, etc. It feels like the Biden administration has thrown open the doors of America and turned the Border Patrol into a Welcome Wagon to any and all across the world, even as many Americans are struggling through tough economic times.
And shockingly, no matter how united the country seems in wanting this issue addressed, our concerns are falling on the deaf ears of too many of our leaders.
Heavenly Father, we pray that our elected officials in Washington would take stock of the challenges facing hard-working Americans. Inflation is high, people are discouraged, they worry about their children’s future, schools are hyping woke ideologies at the cost of basic education skills, average voters are feeling that our lawmakers are unconcerned about the unintended consequences of policies that sound humanitarian yet result in American citizens bearing a high price.
Dear Lord, open the eyes of those elected to serve us to the feeling of unease and uncertainty being experienced by many Americans. Most importantly, when the cares of this world seem to overwhelm us, remind us to turn our eyes to You, the God of all Comfort. It is in Your presence that we can find peace, refreshment, encouragement and perspective. In the words of the song, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.
As the Easter season approaches, Gary and I join you in looking forward to the services ahead marking the life of teaching and sacrifice of Jesus, His death on the cross and His glorious resurrection on Easter morn. May you and your family have a Blessed Easter.
