John, before I say anything else, I want to thank you.
Because if it weren’t for your continued support, Aurora Regino’s fight for Justice would’ve stopped months ago when her district court judge dismissed her case.
But thanks to supporters like you, we didn’t have to give up.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on her case on May 9th — and I’m asking you to make a generous, tax-deductible donation to her legal battle today…
…and pledge a recurring gift every month up to the oral argument in May.
That’s one gift today, one gift in April, and one gift in May.
Strong families are at the foundation of a strong America — and that’s exactly why the radical Left wants to destroy them.
Children don’t belong to their teachers and they don’t belong to their governments — they belong to their parents. End of story.
And we have to send that message loud and clear.
Remember, John — Aurora Regino’s 5th grade daughter went to her elementary school guidance counselor who facilitated her transition from female to male without so much as a phone call home.
And remember, her daughter wanted to tell her about everything. But school staff urged her to keep it a secret from her own mother – and make sure she was last to know.
If that’s not grooming…what is?
I wish this was an isolated incident.
But it’s anything but — and that’s why we have to sue this school into oblivion, hold everyone involved accountable and force them to change their policy.
School districts across the country have policies just like this one, that keep “transitions” secret from parents.
Activists infiltrate these schools, take over the curriculum and insert themselves into extracurriculars to indoctrinate kids with far Left dogma.
If you try to brainwash a child with gender and sexuality lunacy behind their parents’ backs, there WILL be consequences, you WILL be sued, and you WILL regret it.
That’s why I hope I can count on your generous 3-month pledge leading up to the oral arguments in May.
Thank you for standing with us.