
Our Term Limits Convention legislation was just approved for a floor vote in the Idaho state senate.

That's the good news.  Idaho is close to becoming the next state to vote to bypass Congress and impose term limits on the U.S. House and Senate.

The bad news is that anti-term limits forces are going all out to defeat us in Idaho.

Our staff and volunteers on the ground are telling me they need help and need it now.

Please make an emergency contribution to help us buy more pro-term limits ads in Idaho.

No matter where you live this battle in Idaho matters.

The vote to call the Term Limits Convention will be very close.  Anything you can give -- even $5 -- will help us win in Idaho.

Please, I really do need your help today.

Every radical group that benefits from Congress' dysfunction is now mobilized against us in Idaho.

They can't afford to have yet another state stand up and call the Term Limits Convention.

So, it's a battle royale in that small state. 

Any contribution you can make -$5, $30, $100 or whatever you can spare - will help us!

So please, please, please do whatever you can.

Opponents of term limits have big money, and interest groups that have a vested interest in making sure nothing ever changes in Washington.

And they are going all out in Idaho.

Right now, we only have a single small online media buy up and running.

We are outgunned in Idaho despite voters there being overwhelmingly in favor of term limits for Congress.

Please make an emergency donation today.

We can win this.  But I need your help!


Philip Blumel



U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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