I could cry right now.
The political elite have decided that the killing of a child in the womb is a foundational right of my country, so much so that they've enshrined it into the constitution.
The bond between a mother and child should be one filled with nurture, compassion, and love.
But the politicians have decided that, in France, it is a bond that can be irreparably broken as a fundamental constitutional right.

Far from helping women, this so-called constitutional right is one that will cause death, misery, and heartache.
Unborn baby deaths have been weaponized by globalism to demonstrate the strength of its ideology. France has responded to the US Roe v Wade with this abhorrent measure. Unfortunately, it's a cultural battle where the casualties are babies… human beings!

And then there is the impact on the women who are made to feel that the only option open to them is an abortion.
We know, from figures released by the European Center for Law and Justice, that 42% of French women who had an abortion before they turned 25 suffer depression, and about half of those who had an abortion as a minor suffer from suicidal thoughts.
The statistics also show women who have had an abortion are three times more likely to suffer physical, mental, or sexual abuse than women who carried their child to birth.
Death. Misery. Heartache.
That is what France has made a so-called constitutional right.
Worse still, is that there are those now trying to spread this culture of death to the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world.
A columnist for the left-wing Guardian newspaper wrote that there is “now hope that other European countries will follow suit”. At the same time, the Associated Press ran a headline stating that in the wake of France’s move “other European countries look to expand access” to abortion.
This registration of abortion is already having disastrous consequences in Europe and around the world and is giving ideas to the radical left who want to go even further in the murder of unborn children.
Spanish Labor Minister Yolanda Diaz has called for abortion to be included in the Spanish constitution too!
And she’s not alone.
The Director General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus even chimed in, tweeting: “Safe #abortion is health care. We welcome #France’s decision to secure women’s rights and save their lives.”

It seems the veil has dropped.
In the past, the World Health Organization and other globalist organizations liked to use code words for abortion like “reproductive rights” and “women’s healthcare”.
Now they’re openly advocating for abortion, claiming that it can save lives.
But in France, abortion is responsible for the ending of well over 200,000 lives.
These hundreds of thousands of unborn babies could have been saved if we made better choices as a society; if we provided genuine support to young women in distress, and helped facilitate the adoption process.
Infertile couples who have often waited for years on end to begin a family would have loved and pampered these children.
Instead, their lives were terminated… something that’s now a “constitutional right”.
And yet, amidst such darkness there is hope.
In the United States, abortion was declared a constitutional right as a result of the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case in 1973. For the better part of the past 50 years, it seemed like the idea of having this decision overturned was pure political fantasy.
And yet, last year it happened. The Supreme Court determined that the United States Constitution does not confer a right to an abortion.
That decision didn’t “just happen” though. For five long decades, people mobilized in prayer and action to ensure that the culture of death did not prevail.
Now in France and right across the world, those who weep over the lives of unborn children cut short in the womb have to mobilize.
CitizenGO will be a key part of that mobilization effort for life in the future. We want you to be part of that effort, an effort which will overcome the world of death, and restore victory for life.
Let us have faith that our prayers and actions will lead to that victory.
P.S. Stand with us and fuel the fight! As a frontline organization defending life and combating the pro-abortion agenda, every ounce of support propels us forward. Your support plays a key role in enabling us to carry on with our work. Every donation, no matter how small, strengthens our collective voice. Join us in making a profound difference – thank you for choosing to stand firmly by CitizenGO!