Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is leading the charge to certify the Equal Rights Amendment, which would finally make gender-based discrimination UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Please, add your name to our new petition to show your support for the ERA and stand with Kirsten on International Women's Day.
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John, when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, they took away the right for half of the population to access the health care they need. It's discrimination based on sex — plain and simple.
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) would establish that our civil rights cannot be infringed upon or taken away on the basis of gender, giving us a legal basis to restore reproductive rights nationwide. Activists have been fighting for over 100 years to add this amendment to our Constitution — and we can't wait any longer.
Today, the ERA is just one signature away from being added to the Constitution. But an arbitrary deadline is stopping us from finally certifying this amendment!
That's why Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has introduced new legislation that would establish that this deadline should not stop us from certifying the ERA. With bipartisan support and filibuster reform, we can pass this legislation, finally establish gender equality in our Constitution and restore reproductive freedoms nationwide.
As we celebrate International Women's Day today, we must raise our voices as one to DEMAND equality under the law. Please, will you add your name before midnight tonight to show Kirsten that you support the ERA? She's counting on 75,000 signatures before International Women's Day ends at midnight!
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