Hi Friend,
bumping up your inbox the email Peter Williams (no relation) sent you
on Thursday. Peter's
asked me whether we can count on your support for the major campaign
to defeat undemocratic co-governance once and for all.
Peter detailed, all roads lead back to the legal advice from Crown Law
that told Nanaia Mahuta that co-governance of water is a legal
requirement under the Treaty (or so she claims it says
that!). This Treaty-based ideology and the same legal advice are
now being used to undermine the new government's ability to deliver on
its democratic mandate to scrap co-governance of water.
may well be that Nanaia Mahuta was being honest in what the advice
contains. If that's the case it is vital that we expose (and slay) the
co-governance beast that has been allowed to grow behind closed-doors
without democratic input.
Without seeing the contents of the legal advice, how on
earth do groups like the Taxpayers’ Union take it on to defend the
core pillar of our mission: democratic accountability?
has become clear with the water standards U-turn, the politicians are
struggling to take on the captured officials. We need to blow the
whistle, expose the advice, and demonstrate with sunshine why it is so
flawed. We need to challenge this head on. Unless we act now, what was once ‘radical’ will embed
itself into New Zealand law.
Friend, no society has succeeded where civic rights are
determined on ancestry. But that is, in effect, what officials are
forcing upon the new government. We need your support to stop it before it is too
Because if it is true that Crown Law – the experts tasked
with protecting the Government’s sovereignty and right to
govern – has become captured by an ideology that purports to create
two parallel sets of governance rights (one for the Crown, and one for
mana whenua) we need to know about it.
So, if you haven't already, please chip in to our
fighting fund to force the Government to release the legal advice
underlying this co-government nonsense.
with your support can we run the necessary publicity and legal
campaign to get hold of the legal advice undermining the new
government's ability to deliver on its democratic mandate and policy
agenda. Click here to make a secure donation via our
you for making this effort possible.
Jordan @ Taxpayers' Union
From: Peter Williams
<[email protected]> Date: Thursday,
07 March 2024 at 11:16 AM To:
<[email protected]> Subject: Fresh
water to be ‘co-governed’ even under National

Dear Friend,
This email is longer than usual, but is the most important email
I've sent in a long time.
It relates to what many of us would consider the critical issue
facing New Zealand: which direction the Government takes in terms of
‘Treaty principles’, democratic accountability, and so-called
‘partnership obligations’.
It is becoming clear the new Government is continuing down Labour's
path of undemocratic and costly co-governance due to pressure from the
bureaucracy who are using incorrect or misinterpreted legal advice to
force co-governance into our democracy.
am asking for your support so the Taxpayers' Union can mount a public
campaign calling on the new Government to do what the last Government
wouldn’t: release the legal advice underpinning this nonsense. New
Zealanders need to know what reasons, if any, underpin the Wellington
consensus. The people need it to discuss, analyse and debate whether
the Treaty of Waitangi should really trump democratic
decision making.
The legal assertions that led to Three Waters
In recent years, opportunistic politicians (cheered on by captured
Government officials) have claimed that the question of who “owns”
water in New Zealand has become vexed.
Recall that the
whole basis of Labour’s Three Waters policy was the claim by Nanaia
Mahuta that she had received advice from Crown Law that said Three
Waters-style ‘co-governance’ was required for the Crown to
comply with its obligations under the Treaty.
To say that this legal interpretation was a departure from the
historical norm that the Crown is sovereign (and therefore Parliament
has full rights to decide the laws that will govern natural resources)
is an understatement.
Last year, the Taxpayers' Union raised funds to support the Water
Users' Group request to the High Court for a declaration of what the
law actually says about the alleged partnership. The then Labour
Government threw the kitchen sink at us. They even tried to get a
court order suppressing further public reference (including in court)
to Ms Mahuta’s claims about the legal advice on co-governance. That
could have stopped us from talking to you about it. .
The Water Users’ Group asked the court to order disclosure of the
advice, at least to the lawyers and the court, though it was
information that every New Zealander should be free to see. The two
KCs pointed out that Ms Mahuta had publicly disclosed not just the
fact of the advice but the alleged conclusions to justify Three
Waters. On conventional reasoning that had waived her claim to legal
privilege. The Court refused to suppress mention of what had been
Nanaia Mahuta's Three Waters Cabinet papers. After all, she had
authorised making them publicly available on the Beehive website.
But , it became clear that we would be throwing good money after
bad to continue to support the judicial review. The High Court
expressed no interest in seeing the advice, despite the ramifications
on New Zealand's democracy! Nor did the Court of Appeal. And from
reviewing some other recent decisions of senior courts, the Water
Users’ Group lawyers could not be confident that orthodox and
historical legal principles would prevail against the new judicial
activism on the Treaty.
Nevertheless, supporting the legal case did at least force media
and political attention to the potential corruption in the Three
Waters governance proposals.
And eventually, National, ACT, and NZ First all committed to
scrapping Three Waters.
Now the new Government
appears to be falling into the same trap.
While we all hoped
that Christopher Luxon's Government would decisively reject the path
towards race-based rights that undermine democratic accountability of
public services and natural resources, I’m sad to report that simply
isn’t the case.
The legal underpinning and justification for Three Waters
co-governance, weaponised by Labour and its allies in the media and
bureaucracy, has not gone away. In fact, it's getting worse.
The Government is set to keep co-governance of fresh water:
rivers, lakes, and rules for agricultural run off will be subject to
'te Mana o te Wai'
As far as we know this is not yet in the public domain, but the
Taxpayers’ Union has been informed by a very reliable source within
the Government that the reason the new Government has
not repealed David Parker’s unworkable fresh water National Policy
Statement is because ministers have been advised that changing the
race-based (and impossibly high) water standards cannot be done
without iwi consent.
These are the water quality standards that are so high that,
according to expert advice to the last Government, it is not even
certain rivers inside the national parks will meet them! Prior to the
election, the parties now in Government committed to abolishing the
standards (which also contain the race-based provisions) .
The Standards require regional councils to create plans that
promote “te Mana o Te Wai” (literally meaning, ‘the Mana of the
It's not even a
disguised version of co-governance. Local council plans must
allow tangata whenua to be "actively involved in decision-making
processes relating to Maori freshwater values" as defined by relevant
tangata whenua. Regional councils must also "work with tangata whenua
to investigate the use of mechanisms ... such as transfers or
delegations of power [and] joint management
It's not often the Taxpayers' Union march to the defence of local
councils, but the requirements put them in an impossible position.
The social and
economic wellbeing of communities who collect and use the water must
come second to whatever a local iwi says upholds te Mana o Te
These obligations, introduced by the last Government, remain in
place. That means regional councils up and down the country are
spending millions of ratepayers' money to create these new policies
that implement te Mana o Te Wai.
The election gave
a very clear democratic mandate that these anti-democratic water
provisions would be gone within the first 100 days. But officials are
telling Ministers "you can't do that".
Ministry for the Environment officials told Ministers that Cabinet
and Parliament cannot act unilaterally because iwi have property
interests in water.
To put it simply: Just a few months into the new Government,
Ministers are effectively being overruled by officials because
officials are still asserting an apparent Treaty obligation that fresh
water must be co-governed.
We can not allow what is
just an assertion to become repeated enough so that it becomes "the
A few weeks ago, Chris Hipkins made a claim on TVNZ’s Q&A
“Māori have a legally established
interest in the water, they went through the court process to do that.
So the 50/50 co-governance model that we were proposing for the water
entities was one way of recognising that.”
Chris Hipkins'
claim is misleading at best. But there is a real risk that it becomes
accepted as a (false) "fact". While there may have
been recognition of the possibility or likelihood of interests in a
limited number of water bodies, our lawyers tell us that there has
been no legal establishment of rights that would equate to
anything as radical as the race/ancestral privileges that
were to have been conferred under the Treaty or euphemism known as
Nevertheless, we
now know that Ministries in Wellington believe it is the law and are
using the assertion to overrule the new Government's democratic
am asking for your support to mount a fight for democratic control of
water, before it is too late.
The constitutional crisis Wellington don't want us to talk
I do not think it is an exaggeration to state that there is a quiet
constitutional crisis going on in Wellington – just who has
sovereignty? Are officials responsible for carrying out
the wishes of Parliament, or are they bound to some sort of supreme
Treaty law or co-governance framework? I am sad to say that we are
becoming more aware of areas where officials are operating under the
Friend, all roads
lead back to the infamous Three Waters advice which the public has
still not
seen. Will
you help us force the new Government to make public the advice? Only
then can New Zealanders can have the debate, and challenge the
'accepted wisdom' in Wellington that water must be
The spring from which this co-governance concept was hatched was
the original piece of Crown Law advice that Nanaia Mahuta referred to
in her Cabinet Papers to claim that Three Waters co-governance was
necessary for the Crown to comply with the Treaty. We
say that New Zealanders ought to know what the Government is hearing
from its own lawyers on the alleged Treaty Partnership obligations –
especially now that the same argument is being used to undermine the
promises made by the Government prior to the election.
I don't really care whether Nanaia Mahuta was telling the truth or
not. This is much more important than political point scoring.
If she over-egged or misled her Cabinet colleagues about the contents
of the Crown Law advice, that would be a great first step in rebutting
this nonsense! That's
just one reason why we need to mount a public campaign to force the
new Government to release it.
If the advice is as radical as Ms Mahuta, Mr Hipkins, and the
bureaucrats all claim, then we must uncover the anti-democratic
arguments to expose them for what they are: inconsistent with liberal
democracy and democratically accountable government.
we show that the arguments lack a real legal foundation, the assertion
that the Treaty trumps the ability of Parliament to regulate water
will soon become accepted as ‘law’. The public need to see the advice
so there is a chance to offer counter-arguments.
And the key issue: what role should lawyers play in determining
whether and how fast New Zealand’s democratic principles go down the
river? Whatever the answer, it should be done in the open, not within
Crown Law suppressed from public scrutiny.
like Three Waters, we need to force the politicians and media to ask
the tough questions. Unless the Taxpayers’ Union do it, who else
The tough conversation New Zealand needs to
Friend, you’ve seen the way the media (and, sadly, Christopher
Luxon’s National Party) are desperate for New Zealand to avoid
the so-called ‘Treaty Principles’ debate. Like
you did for Three Waters, will you support the Taxpayers' Union so we
can go where the media will not?
Christopher Luxon has little interest in furthering what he
perceives to be a vexed race-issue in a media environment where it
will not receive a fair hearing. Why would Mr Luxon go out on a limb,
when what the media will term the “expert legal advice” could well
force him to take a stand? That's why, ironically, the Prime
Minister needs third party groups like the Taxpayers’ Union to lead
this – just like we did for Three Waters. To
do that, I am relying on your generous support.
Release the advice: Who owns water in New

Friend, if you agree that this is an important issue, I’m
asking you to stand with the Taxpayers’ Union once more.
Left to fester, undisturbed and unchallenged, it's only a matter of
time before the lawyers within the Government embed co-governance to
rust away at our democracy.
support our campaign to force the officials to “Release the Advice”,
to save democratic accountability, and ensure the control of fresh
water remains under democratic control, click here.
For the sake of the future of our country, I hope you’re with
Williams Financial Supporter and Former Board
Member New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union
ps. Like Three Waters, this is a political fight as much as a
legal one. Just like Scrapping Three Waters, it won't be easy to force
the media to ask the right questions. Your
support means the Taxpayers' Union can mount a grassroots effort to
protect democratic accountability and slay the dragon of
co-governance' which is threatening democratic
pps. The Taxpayers' Union is a grassroots-funded
effort. Without
your support, it's clear the new Government will be on its own and the
officials and special interests will win out with their plan to
implement co-goverance for fresh water (and whatever