Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Team — We had to reach out to you: the GOP leaders from BOTH chambers hosted a big-money D.C. fundraiser for Kari’s nightmare campaign earlier this week.

Tickets are STARTED at $1,000 a pop. It’s clear that Kari and the GOP are serving the wealthy and well-connected, NOT everyday families in Arizona.

We aren’t asking $1,000, (but if that’s what you’re able to give, we definitely appreciate it!), but we are asking you to step up with a grassroots contribution today. Can we count on you to pitch in $10 right now to help us defeat Kari Lake and her wealthy, right-wing donors?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


The featured guest list includes: 

❌ The NRSC Chairman, who’s tasked with raising MILLIONS of dollars across the country in order to elect extreme, right-wing candidates

❌ Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama), who for MONTHS stood in the way of hundreds of military confirmations, endangering the safety of our nation in order to enact the MAGA movement’s anti-abortion agenda by denying care to our service members 

❌ Sens. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Tom Cotton (R-Oklahoma), who are currently in a dogfight to be the one to replace Mitch McConnell as Minority Leader

The establishment is rallying their leadership and their wealthy donors behind Kari’s extreme agenda. Will you pitch in $10 or more right now to help us stand up to this influx of cash from the extreme right?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

— Arizona Democratic Party