School officials completely and totally failed Nex, and now Nex is gone. Pure, unadulterated hatred has taken them from their family and loved ones.

Sign the petition to demand an investigation into 16-year-old Nex Benedict's death after being brutally assaulted NOW!

Dear MoveOn member,

On February 7, after a year of being bullied, Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old Choctaw Indigenous gender-fluid teen in Oklahoma, was brutally assaulted in a bathroom by his classmates and died the next day.1,2 Nex had bruises all over his face and eyes, scratches on the back of their head, and severe head injuries, but school officials didn't even call an ambulance or medical help.3 It's completely unacceptable. Nex should be alive today.

Will you join Nex's family and loved ones' demands for an investigation and for those responsible for Nex's death to be held accountable and sign the petition NOW?

Sue Benedict, Nex's grandmother said, "I was so proud of Nex. They were going some place, they were so free. Nex had a light in them that was so big, they had so many dreams. I want their light to keep shining for everyone. That light was so big and bright and beautiful, and I want everyone to remember Nex that way."4

Nex will never get to draw, read, play video games, or play with his cat Zeus (all things they loved to do) ever again. Ms. Benedict will never get to hold her grandchild again.

We can't and won't let Nex's family's call for an investigation go unanswered. Click here to sign the petition to demand those responsible for Nex's death be held accountable NOW.

What happened to Nex is a result of disgusting, violent rhetoric and legislation. We can't let it continue. We need an investigation, and those responsible must be held accountable NOW.

Nex was taken from this world entirely too soon, and their death is reverberating in young LGBTQ+ communities across Oklahoma and across the country. A hotline run by Rainbow Youth Project USA received 237 calls from Oklahoma youth over the weekend, nearly three times what it logs in an average week.5 The LGBTQ+ community deserves more. LGBTQ+ youth deserves more.

We cannot become numb to this cruelty and violence that is fueled by Republican's hateful, transphobic, and homophobic legislation. Will you sign the petition to demand justice for Nex?

Nex had been bullied for months after Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt made it mandatory by law for Oklahoma public school students to use only bathrooms that match their sex assigned at birth. Gov. Stitt and Superintendent Walters recently appointed Raichik—a right-wing activist known for targeting LGBTQ+ teachers—to the Library Media Advisory Committee of the state Department of Education, even after she targeted Nex's school district in 2022, coming after a teacher voiced their support for their LGBTQ+ students, which resulted in the resignation of that educator.6

Elected officials hold so much power in their words, actions, and legislation—and they must be held responsible when they neglect their constituents and encourage and allow violence. Hateful, transphobic, and homophobic rhetoric and legislation has devastating consequences. Nex is gone, but we can't let that be the end.

Those responsible must be held to account. We need an investigation. Click here to sign the petition.

Every year that conservatives are allowed to throw temper tantrums about the advancement of civil rights, the quality of life for LGBTQ+ people, particularly trans and nonbinary people, deteriorates across the U.S. We must hold elected officials and Republicans accountable for their transphobic, homophobic, and violent rhetoric.

School officials completely and totally failed Nex, and now Nex is gone. Pure, unadulterated hatred has taken him from their family.

Will you sign the petition to echo their demands for an investigation and for those responsible to be held accountable?

This is state-sanctioned violence in the form of legislation and moral conservative outrage that's meant to intimidate and eradicate the LGBTQ+ community. Gov. Stitt's bathroom bill put a target on trans and nonbinary children's backs, and the blame for Nex's death lies not just with the girls who brutally assaulted him, not just with the school officials for their inaction, but also with Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, State Superintendent Ryan Walters, and Chaya Raichik, and they must be held accountable.

LGBTQ+ and gender-diverse students deserve to learn without fear of bullying, harassment, or violence. 

Click here to sign the petition if you agree, and then pass it along to three friends to spread the word. 

Thanks for all you do. 

–Nakia, Jensine, Oscar, Jaira, and the rest of the team

P.S. Several of Nex's friends have shared that Nex preferred he/him pronouns, but also went by they/them pronouns.7 Throughout this e-mail, we use both to honor the fullness of Nex's identity.


1. "The death of an Oklahoma teen after a fight in school has LGBTQ+ advocates seeking answers," CNN, February 21, 2024

2. "LGBTQ+ Leaders Call For DOJ To Investigate Nex's Death," Erin In The Morning, February 22, 2024

3. "Nex Benedict: Non-binary student who died after Oklahoma bathroom assault was a 'shining light'," February 22, 2024

4. Ibid.

5. "Top GOP School Official Appoints Woman Behind 'Libs Of TikTok' To Key Position," Huffington Post, January 23, 2024

6. "Crisis calls from the 2SLGBTQ+ youth community triple within 72 hours," KTUL, February 20, 2024

7. "Friends remember Nex Benedict, Oklahoma student who died after school fight, as 'fiery kid'" NBC News, February 25, 2024

You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Book bans have skyrocketed thanks to right-wing state laws which have forced teachers to remove books from their classrooms. In response, MoveOn is launching a "Banned Bookmobile," filling it with books that the far right has banned, and driving it around to hand out those books, for free, in highly trafficked areas that will attract media attention. To keep the Banned Bookmobile up and running into 2024, we need your help.

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PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

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