As a proud Founding Champion of Obesity Care Week, OAC and our Community spent the week advocating for a better world for people affected by obesity. Although Obesity Care Week 2024 is coming to an end, you can help change the way we care about obesity year-round! 

Here's how you can get involved: 


Sign the 5 Principles of Obesity Pledge 

This Obesity Care Week, we are raising awareness of the 5 Principles of Obesity and encouraging our supporters to sign the pledge.

The 5 Principles of Obesity are: 

  1. It is undeniable that obesity is a chronic disease.
  2. Obesity is driven by powerful underlying biology, not choice.
  3. The many health effects of excess weight can start early.
  4. Obesity is treatable.
  5. Weight bias, stigma and discrimination are harmful.

Do you agree? Sign the pledge



Explore and Share Resources 

We believe that sharing valuable educational resources can bring about a positive change in the way society perceives and cares about obesity. Explore our resources and share them with others to help change the way they care about obesity, too! 


WATCH: OAC Health Talk on Medications to Treat Obesity


WATCH: OAC Health Talk on the Gap in Medication Testing for Individuals with Obesity


Join Us in Driving Change Forward

This week, more than 60 OAC Advocates took action on Capitol Hill, meeting with more than 70 Senators and Representatives to share our stories as patients who have been denied access to obesity care. In our meetings, we asked each legislator to co-sponsor the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act, a bill that would give Medicare-eligible Americans greater access to obesity care. After our conversations and receiving letters from members, 23 new co-sponsors signed onto TROA -- major progress in our fight to expand access to care! 

You can join us in amplifying our advocacy efforts, educating the public, and empowering our Community to advocate for themselves and others through a donation to our Action Fund.  Together, we can empower individuals to advocate for obesity to be treated the same as other chronic diseases and transform the landscape of obesity care.


Thank you for making a difference with us throughout Obesity Care Week and beyond!



Obesity Care Week is an annual public awareness event supported by more than 100 Champion health organizations and leaders around the world, including our official Partners: Platinum - Eli Lilly; Bronze - Novo Nordisk; Patron - Amgen; Supporter - American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, Boehringer Ingelheim, Boston Scientific, Currax Pharmaceuticals, Emerald Lake Safety and Rhythm Pharmaceuticals. Despite extensive research and studies, stigma and misperceptions continue to negatively shape the way people with obesity are treated medically and generally within society. That is why Obesity Care Week Champions and Partners stand together to acknowledge the 5 Principles of Obesity. To learn more about Obesity Care Week and get involved, visit


Obesity Action Coalition
4511 North Himes Ave., Suite 250
Tampa, Florida 33614
(800) 717-3117
[email protected]

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