Dear Friends,
I’m writing to share with you some reflections after an incredible week in New York for ADL’s annual National Leadership Summit (NLS) and the Never is Now (NIN) conference. Seeing leaders from across the country come together, united under ADL’s mission to “stop the defamation of Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all,” has invigorated me and so many other ADL staff members. For some many of us, working in this space has been particularly challenging following the events of October 7th. I walked away from these two conferences with a renewed sense of passion and drive to fight
antisemitism and hate on all fronts. In particular, I want to highlight a line from our CEO Jonathan Greenblatt's remarks during the week, “I am proud of all of this work. I am committed to all of these fights. I believe in them with every fiber of my being.” You can read the entirety of Jonathan’s powerful speech here.
I’m also excited to share a few exciting announcements we’ve made in the past week, including our launch of the ATLAS (Antisemitism Trends, Learning, Statistics) Tool illustrating global patterns of antisemitism and our new initiative
with Chabad on Campus International to combat antisemitism on college campuses. You can always refer to our website to stay up-to-date with ADL’s work or follow us on X (formerly Twitter) where we regularly post about regional and national updates.
ADL continuously strives to lead the fight against hate of all kinds in new and innovative ways. With your support, I know we can make our community stronger and safe for all.

Meredith R. Weisel
ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Director |