Dear Friend,
Last night, President Biden gave one of the most divisive and partisan State of the Union addresses ever before the United States Congress.
Some might even call it a state of delusion speech.
In his rambling, hour-long, tone-deaf address, President Biden told Americans that the economy is great, that the border crisis he created is the fault of Republicans, that Congress should pass a bill to weaken voter ID laws, and that building a port for Hamas paid for by American taxpayers will somehow help improve Israel's security.
When it came to the economy, President Biden gaslighted the American people by saying, “Wages keep going up; inflation keeps coming down.” However, we all know the reality of Bidenomics – and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that his calls for higher taxes and handing out more “free” money won’t do anything to “fix” the economy or bring down prices.
Since Joe Biden came to office, inflation has risen 17.9%, groceries are up 20.8%, and mortgage rates remain near record highs.
I was hoping that President Biden would take responsibility for his actions and reverse course, especially on the border.
Instead, he doubled down on calls to pass a foreign aid and migrant processing bill that would normalize the status quo of millions of illegal border crossers a year, not stop them – and even reiterated his calls for illegal alien amnesty – which will only worsen the border disorder his policies have fueled.
He also called for the U.S. military to build a port off the coast of Gaza – an area controlled by Hamas terrorists, but refuses to finish building a wall at our southern border to protect the American people.
To make the hypocrisy even more stark, a fence was installed around the Capitol to protect him last night.
I will not settle for an America in decline. President Biden inherited a secure border, an energy-independent nation, peace and stability around the world, and safe neighborhoods.
In just three years, he has destroyed American greatness.
Thanks for starting your weekend off with the Tiffany Telegram. We will be back next week with more.
Tom Tiffany Member of Congress
Joe Biden had a fence up to protect him during the State of the Union, but he won’t finish the wall at our southern border to protect Americans.
Shutting down Biden’s illegal alien career criminal pipeline
Day after day, for more than three years, Americans have witnessed the grim consequences of Joe Biden’s open borders policies. Last week, we told you about 22-year-old Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student who was brutally beaten to death by an illegal alien that the Biden administration released into our country. Closer to home, we saw Steven Nasholm, a northern Wisconsin father of three daughters, killed by a habitual illegal alien drunk driver who had been previously busted for DUI back in 2023. Sadly, the Biden administration chose not to deport him at that time. Instead, they cut him loose. While this is shocking, it is unfortunately not surprising. That’s because Joe Biden openly declared back in 2020 that he wouldn’t arrest or expel illegal alien drunk drivers from the country. He even threatened to fire ICE agents if they attempted to do so. Sadly, most Democrats in Congress have defended that position, backing what amounts to a “sanctuary” policy for repeat illegal alien offenders. In fact, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee openly defended this extreme view – even if an illegal alien, “has 2 or 6 or 10 or 20 convictions of DUI.” It doesn’t make sense, and it’s why I have consistently backed legislation like the Laken Riley Act, which would help end the victimization of Americans by illegal aliens, and pull back the welcome mat that Joe Biden has rolled out for foreign career criminals.
Empowering locals on refugees
Last week, we told you about my latest bill, the Community Assent for Refugee Entry Act, or “CARE Act,” for short. In a nutshell, it would give the final say on any refugee “resettlements” to affected communities, not Biden administration bureaucrats or the shady “NGOs” who seem singularly focused on doing everything they can to flood our country with foreign nationals – including providing maps and “how to” guides to migrants seeking to slip into our country undetected. In fact, some of these groups have become so brazen that one of them openly admitted that they “don’t specifically reach out to the elected officials of an area” before proceeding with their plans. As Telegram readers know, I’ve asked Governor Evers’ refugee coordinator – not once, but twice – to stop making “resettlement” decisions behind closed doors, and to be honest and upfront with people about what these schemes will cost local taxpayers. Unfortunately, I have yet to get a response. That’s why I decided to introduce the CARE Act, to make sure that the last word on any resettlement plans are made by the people who will ultimately have to live with the long-term impacts of these decisions. You can read more about my bill here and here.
Protecting AM Radio
For many of us in northern and western Wisconsin, AM radio is the media outlet we rely on for weather, news, and other public safety alerts. Unfortunately, many car manufacturers are seeking to remove AM radio from their newer car models, with some even charging buyers a fee to get it reinstalled. I met with the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association this week to discuss my support of the bipartisan AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act, which will establish an industry standard to require all new vehicles to come with AM radio at no charge to consumers. This is necessary legislation, especially in rural areas like the Seventh District.
Thank you to the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association for the work they do in advocating for local radio and television outlets.
Committee Update
Natural Resources
It’s time to unleash American energy
This week, we had a hearing in the Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee on six pieces of legislation, four of which dealt with geothermal energy. Geothermal production runs into the same issues of permitting and NEPA as other energy development projects, so we looked at bills that would make it easier to tap into this resource. Fracking is also playing a bigger role in the development of underground geothermal energy, so I asked some of the witnesses if they supported fracking for geothermal, as well as for other forms of energy. The minority witness supported it for geothermal – but rejected an “all of the above” approach that includes oil and gas. That’s unfortunate – and it’s yet another regrettable example of the selective support that we often see from folks on the political left when it comes to energy development – even when it is the same technology being used. If it is for oil and gas, it’s almost always a “no.” I also pressed this witness on his testimony related to climate change and mentioned to him that over the last 100 years, climate-related deaths are down 98% thanks to advances in technology that are powered by the fossil fuel energy that is so often, and unfairly maligned. Here’s the bottom line: If we want to see a more prosperous, secure, and healthy country, we should be making it easier to develop all forms of home-grown energy, not harder.
A voice for the voiceless
This summer’s box office hit, “Sound of Freedom,” shined a light on sex trafficking and inadvertently exposed how policies enacted by the Biden administration enable human smuggling operations – like those depicted in the film – to expand their operations. President Biden’s open borders policies opened a 1,954-mile door along our southern border, allowing cartels and human traffickers to come and go as they please. As a result, there are unfortunately more people in slavery today than at any other point in history. This week in the House Judiciary Committee we held a hearing to look at how we can fight back against the exploitation of children and sex trafficking – starting with creating a joint effort amongst federal, state, international, and non-governmental partners to better identify and rescue victims. However, if we are serious about combating sex trafficking we must secure our borders, which is why the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2 the Secure the Border Act – because putting an end to human trafficking starts with slamming the door on human traffickers, cartels, and criminals.
District Update
State Wrestling Champs
Congratulations to the twelve young athletes from the Seventh District who brought home the 2024 Individual State Wrestling Championship title. Each and every one of them practiced hard work and dedication throughout the season and left it all on the mat to bring home these titles. A special shoutout to Dawson Johnson of Cumberland High School and Koy Hopke of Amery High School on becoming 4-time state champions, being only 2 of 29 to ever do this in Wisconsin. You can watch me congratulate these wrestlers on the House Floor here.
Photo of the week
Did you know that Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area? The Seventh District is blessed to have its sandy beaches, recreational fishing, economic output, rugged shorelines, and more. If you snap a picture of Wisconsin’s landscape, please submit it to [email protected] with your name and location to be featured as our photo of the week.

“The Freshwater Sea” – Taken near Port Wing
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Service Academy Day
On April 6th, I will be hosting an annual Service Academy Day in Merrill for high school students who have a desire to serve our nation as a military leader. You won’t want to miss the chance to hear from representatives from all five military branches. Admission is free, and parents, teachers, and students at any grade level are welcome to attend. Click here for more information.
Vacation is meant to be relaxing, so don’t let renewing or applying for your passport stress you out. The current processing time is 10 to 13 weeks, so we recommend getting this done as soon as possible. For more information, click here.
The USDA continues to make resources and assistance available to agricultural producers and working families to ensure access, safety and stability for food markets and supplies.
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As always, you are welcome to visit my website or to contact my offices in Washington, DC or Wisconsin, which remain open for service, if you have any questions or need assistance.
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