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Dear Friends,

A few months ago, we talked to you about an absolutely unprecedented project, a satellite TV channel pack called Svoboda, the Russian word for “freedom.” It began operating last Tuesday! Nine independent Russian-language TV and radio channels are now being broadcasted by satellite to Russia, Ukraine’s occupied territories and the Baltic countries.

This constitutes a huge advance in the fight we are waging against Russian propaganda. No fewer than 4.5 million homes in the Russian Federation and around 800,000 homes in Ukraine’s occupied territories will now be able to access freely reported, independent and reliable news and information via their TV sets, without any additional equipment.

The Svoboda satellite pack testifies to RSF’s unwavering commitment to the right of access to reliable news reporting. We need to increase the number of people following independent Russian media, which currently represents around 6 to 9% of the adult population in Russia, in order to give them the tools they need to preserve their freedom of opinion.

It is thanks to your generosity that Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is able to carry out large-scale operations of this kind. It is thanks to you, dear friends, that we have succeeded in transforming an idea – one that was unusual, to say the least – into a concrete, working reality offering hope. I am grateful to you for your support.



Thibaut Bruttin, Deputy Secretary-General
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