Help air this TV ad: Trump's coronavirus lies kill!

Our new TV ad calls on media to stop broadcasting Trump's lie-filled coronavirus briefings live. His lies are killing people!

Click here to watch the TV ad and sign the petition to TV news directors: "STOP covering Trump's dangerous, lie-filled coronavirus briefings!"

Or, click here to watch the TV ad and donate to get it on the air so it can build on the pressure for TV news directors to stop live-coverage of Trump's coronavirus briefings.

Turn on images to see the TV ad.

Trump's daily coronavirus "briefings" have turned into a torrent of lies and dangerous misinformation. Over 20,000 people have signed our petition calling on the TV networks to take responsibility and STOP covering his propaganda live.

Now, we have a brand new TV ad that increases the pressure on media to stop doing live coverage of Trump's lie-filled coronavirus briefings. Because his lies are killing people.

Click here to watch the TV ad and sign the petition to TV news directors: "STOP covering Trump's dangerous, lie-filled coronavirus 'briefings'! In the middle of a pandemic, spreading his blatant misinformation to millions of Americans will have deadly consequences."

Or, click here to watch the TV ad and donate to get it on the air in Washington DC, where lots of the TV networks' political directors and decision-makers will see it.

Calls urging TV networks and other media to stop airing Trump's coronavirus briefings are increasing by the day.

Jon Favreau: "Outlets need to either stop airing these briefings or send reporters to the briefing room who will actually challenge his lies."

Chris Hayes: "[Trump] went out today and said things that are flat out wrong, that are lies and, that are dangerous. That's why we did not play you any sound of what he said today because, frankly, the president has become a kind of -- well, he is a genuine threat to public health."

Matthew Yglesias: "Trump’s daily ‘briefings’ on coronavirus have become regularly scheduled television but they don’t offer real information and cable news should stop airing them."

Our new TV ad shows voters the truth: Trump made the pandemic WORSE, not better -- and his lies KILL. Then, it pressures TV news execs to stop covering his dangerous coronavirus briefings live.

As Matthew Yglesias also pointed out: "When a person turns on the television and sees the president of the United States giving inaccurately optimistic assessments of the progress of testing, vaccine research, and treatment it encourages people to be less careful with their hand-washing and social distancing than they otherwise might be. That costs lives."

TV networks must step up and STOP airing Trump's coronavirus briefings live. American lives are at stake.

Watch our new TV ad and sign the petition to NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC: "STOP covering Trump's lie-filled, dangerous coronavirus 'briefings'! In the middle of a pandemic, spreading his blatant misinformation to millions of Americans will have deadly consequences."

Or, watch our new TV ad and donate to get it on the air right away.

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-- The PCCC Team

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