Your Intentions - Nine Holy Masses St. Joseph Novena

Dear Friend,
Have you submitted your intentions
for the Nine Holy Masses in Honor of St. Joseph? You will then be
enrolled in the nine-day novena that will be emailed to you each day,
beginning on Monday, March 11. You can share the novena with your family,
friends and prayer groups.
Please submit your intentions now and be enrolled in the Novena to St.
Joseph. Please include an intention that many graces will be bestowed upon Cardinal Burke.
If St. Joseph has come to your
aid, in any way, then include a petition of thanksgiving, for all
favors granted.
May St. Joseph, Solace of the
Afflicted, who is most obedient, faithful and just, take all of our
interests and desires to Jesus.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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