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Dear John, 

This year for International Women's Day - we have a really simple ask. 

We need two minutes of your time. By taking two minutes now, you can make a difference in ending the threat of police investigations, prosecutions and prison time for women who end their own pregnancies.

We need you to act now, because in the coming weeks, MPs will vote to decriminalise abortion for women in England & Wales. Women caught up by the law are desperate, vulnerable, and deserve compassion not a conviction. The last thing they need is to be threatened with up to life imprisonment under a law dating back to 1861. 

But we need your help to get us over the finish line. Take two minutes now to email your MP and get them to support Dame Diana Johnson MP's amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill. 

Already emailed your MP? Thank you. Truly. Your efforts will make a difference when MPs come to vote to put an end to a law that is hurting women who need compassion, not a conviction

But can you help us out even more? 

The anti-abortion lobby is well-resourced and well-financed. Right To Life has increased its Facebook advertising spend by more than tenfold in the last three years.

Here at BPAS, we don't have almost £200,000 to spend on Facebook ads. But we do have public support. We are a pro-choice country, with most recent polling showing almost 90% of Britons think abortion should be legal. 

So forward this email on to your friends, family and colleagues and get them to email their MP, share our graphics on your social media, and - if you can spare as little as £5 - donate to our fighting fund as we enter the final push.

Our cruel and outdated abortion laws are affecting women right here, right now.

In our own backyard, Tracey* had seven police officers search her bins while she was having a stillbirth, Lena* was discharged from hospital to find a police cordon and officers searching her property, Fay* was arrested on the hospital ward and kept in a cell for 36 hours without medical care, and Laura* was sentenced to more than two years in prison for an illegal abortion, despite reporting that at the time she was in a sexually, emotionally, and physically abusive relationship. Laura's* partner was never investigated. 

These are not fictional stories designed to shock. They are real, and they are happening right here in England & Wales. And we are so close to stopping any more women suffering under our cruel, Victorian-era abortion laws.

We know we've asked a lot of you over the last month. But this is the final push. In the coming weeks, your MP will vote to end the threat of police investigations, prosecutions, and prison time for women who have an abortion outside of this outdated law in England and Wales.  

Now - more than ever -  it is #TimeToAct

* names changed to protect privacy

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Best wishes,
The team at BPAS

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