Tonight at 9 PM ET in our nation's
Capitol Building, we will witness a leader. We will see a real
president take the stage to discuss the country he’s been running for
the past three years. He’ll talk about his booming economy, the
sweeping legislation he’s passed, and the aid we’ve been able to
provide in the fight against Putin. He’ll show why he should be
re-elected in November. One side of the aisle will be thinking about a
bright future. What will the other side be thinking about? Probably
their dear leader sitting on a tacky, “golden” couch in

So, when you’re watching MTG give
the President of the United States the finger tonight, remember that
the GOP knows who Trump really is. They know he’s a loser. They know
he’s a crook. They know his history of sexual assault. They know he’ll
destroy America if he gets the chance. They just don’t
And when you’re watching President
Biden talk about why our union is strong tonight, remember what we’re
up against. Remember what will be on the other side of the ballot in
November. We have to win this election. The future of America depends
on it. Chip
in to help spread the word>>
-The Lincoln Project