Tonight, the President will address Americans and discuss the state of our country. As we look back on the last year, we have faced unprecedented challenges to our health care system, and many hospitals are at risk and under threat. Special interests want policymakers to cut patient care and put the hospitals that patients rely on at an even greater risk.
The State of the Union is also an opportunity to look ahead at what we hope to see for our country next year. As we continue to face challenges and threats to care, we are hopeful that advocates like you will join us in our mission to strengthen our hospitals and health systems and protect the patients they serve.
Will you send a message to your Members of Congress urging them to strengthen our health systems ahead of critical funding deadlines?

Hospitals and health systems need resources and support to provide the high-quality 24/7 care that patients and communities rely on. Can we count on you to take action today and send a message to your Members of Congress?
Send a Message
Thank you,
The Coalition