School Choice Can Save Biden’s Presidency
By Tressa Pankovits
Co-Director of PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Project
for The Wall Street Journal
Joe Biden needs a winning issue to save his struggling campaign. He has one in public school choice and would benefit from spotlighting it in his State of the Union address Thursday evening.
The president hasn’t spoken much on the issue since 2020, when he disparaged charter schools. That was a mistake then, as it would be today. Talking positively about the issue would attract working-class and low-income voters who can’t afford to leave their poorly performing public schools.
Charter schools are free, public and open to all. They have a track record of success. I’ve visited charters in every region of the country, and each has rendered the same complaint: No one outside their small community listens to them. From Rhode Island and Illinois to California and New York, lawmakers often attempt to block new charters or otherwise hamstring existing ones.
New from the Experts
PPI Statement on the FTC's Lawsuit to Block Kroger-Albertsons Merger
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🎧 LISTEN: EdChoice Chats with Robert Enlow, ft. Curtis Valentine, Co-Director of PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Project
⮕ EdChoice
Lessons Learned: Setting a Bipartisan Fiscal Commission up for Success, ft. Ben Ritz, Director of PPI's Center for Funding America's Future
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American Steel Production Has Fallen to Pre-Tariff Levels ft. Ed Gresser, PPI's Vice President and Director for Trade and Global Markets
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Maryland Fans Have Saved Over $16 Million by Buying Tickets Through Resale Markets, ft. Diana Moss, PPI's Vice President and Director of Competition Policy
⮕ Protect Ticket Rights
Trade Fact of the Week
By Ed Gresser
PPI's Vice President and Director for Trade and Global Markets
Trade Fact of the Week
FACT: Americans buy 11 tons of Ukrainian honey daily.
THE NUMBERS: Sample U.S. imports from Ukraine, 2023 –
Sunflower oil |
31,262 tons |
Honey |
4,075 tons |
Apple juice |
123 million liters |
Hockey sticks |
173,000 |
Electric coffeemakers |
176,000 |
Pig iron |
1.1 million tons |
🚨 NEWS: PPI welcomes Richard Kahlenberg as the Director of Housing Policy and Director of the American Identity Project, a new initiative that examines what can be done to counter growing anti-democratic impulses on the far left and far right.
Kahlenberg is a leading expert on education and housing policy — and is specifically known for his work on how housing policies inhibit educational opportunities.
RAS Reports
Closing the Funding Gap: Charter Schools in Washington State, ft. State Senator Mark Mullet
On this episode of RAS Reports, PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Project Co-Director Tressa Pankovits sits down with Washington State Senator Mark Mullet (D-Issaquah) to discuss his bill S.B. 5809 which is designed to close the funding gap experienced by public charter schools in Washington state.
Join our Women in Policy Alliance on the Hill on March 14!

Don't Miss These PPI Reports
Staff Spotlight: Sarah Paden
Sarah Paden
Vice President and Chief Political Director
Sarah Paden is Vice President and Chief Political Director at PPI. She comes to this position with more than a decade of experience in local, state, and federal campaigns and government relations. Most recently Sarah served as head of the New York State Federal Affairs office in the Hall of States, during which time she led New York’s federal pandemic response, the state’s 2020 census effort and former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s chairship at the National Governors Association.
Sarah's work includes party and coalition building, leading the campaign to designate June Gun Violence Awareness Month in New York in 2013, building the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. She has also worked for the Manhattan Democratic Party and New York State Democratic Party, creating and launching the Demmy Awards to highlight up and coming stars in the Democratic Party. She also served as Political Director and Senior Advisor on Cuomo 2018 and is a 2016 Hillary for America alum.