Hi John -- The past few weeks have been difficult for all of us. I hope you’re holding up alright, staying safe, and continuing to follow the guidelines set by the CDC.
Several counties in Pennsylvania are under stay-at-home-orders by the governor. Businesses, schools, and public parks are closed -- our daily routines have been upended. Many in our community are scared, feeling waves of anxiety and worry with each news update. Your feelings are valid, but please remember: we will get through this together.
And more importantly, remember that we can all do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. Without a vaccine, the best thing we can do is to practice social distancing.
Our doctors, nurses, grocery clerks, teachers, sanitation workers, mail carriers, and delivery drivers are all working at the front lines. The more we keep our distance and practice good hygiene, the safer they will be.
I believe that we need to take immediate action to minimize the impact this will have on our communities in the long term. That’s why I signed on to a request to both the president and the National Governors Association that they implement stay-at-home-orders nationwide.
In the coming weeks, I will continue to fight for our families here in southeast Pennsylvania and across the country.
If you think you might have symptoms of the novel coronavirus, call your primary care doctor first. If you do not have one, call 1-877-PA-HEALTH. You can also learn more here: https://www.inquirer.com/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-testing-sites-philadelphia-main-line-south-jersey-insurance-20200324.html
Please stay safe and only go out if you absolutely must.
In this together,
Mary Gay
Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States
