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TexasGOPVote Newsletter

March 7
Highlighted Blogs

Bringing Undocumented Workers Out of the Shadows is a Win-Win - As long as worker misclassification and the lack of a required ID to work prevails, we will find it almost impossible to stop the surge at the border. The magnetic pull of jobs is so strong, people will keep coming illegally until we change the rules. That will not happen in our political system unless businesses, big and small, demand a change. A common-sense solution that would be a great start is a policy proposal called ID and Tax. It gives employers the ability to hire undocumented workers who have been in the U.S. for over five years if they can pass a background check and agree to work as an employee and pay payroll taxes. It is not a path to citizenship, or a way to get welfare, but it allows its holder to get a driver’s license and to come out of the shadows.

Immigration Takes Center Stage at New Democracy Initiative Backed by Three Presidential Library Foundations - About two hundred people gathered in person and online for the launch of Civil Dialogues at the Baker Institute at Rice University on Tuesday, February 27th. The Civil Dialogues initiative seeks to create a safe space for community conversation on some of the important and most contentious topics of the day. Immigration took center stage at the inaugural event, the first in a series of town halls to be held throughout this election year at presidential libraries, policy institutes and other forums across the country.

Congressman August Pfluger Introduces The Combating Transnational Repression Act Of 2024 - Congressman August Pfluger (R-TX) unveiled the Combating Transnational Repression Act of 2024, a groundbreaking legislative initiative aimed at addressing the growing threat of transnational repression, including against U.S. citizens, on American soil. Transnational repression, the act of foreign governments or their proxies targeting individuals in another country using various coercive tactics, has become an increasingly concerning issue in the United States.

Rep. Roy Calls on Texas A&M to Remove Critical Race Theory 4-H Program Lesson - The congressman highlights that the student lesson called, “Power and Privilege – What Does it Get You?”, directs students to reflect on their immutable, and other, characteristics and discuss how that results in “power” and “privilege” compared to their peers. The lesson argues “white people”, “males”, “Christians”, and “Heterosexuals” have more privileges granted to them in the United States.

Featured Topic

ID and Tax

"ID and Tax" is a system where unauthorized immigrants would be issued tamper-proof IDs, would be taxed at the same or a higher rate than American citizens, and would be required to work for employers who deduct and match taxes. Find out more about the problems we face and the solutions.

Additional Blog Posts

Rep. Roy fights to remove federal liability protections for COVID-19 vaccines

Congressman Keith Self Opposes Minibus Bill Filled with Democrat Policy Initiatives

Luttrell’s Improving Travel for Families Act Passes House

Rep. Roy's statement on H.R. 3391 and H.R. 3838

Touring Frontera Healthcare

Cornyn, Colleagues’ Bill to Ensure Crime Victims’ Representatives Receive Restitution Passes Senate

Demanding Answers for Gold Star Families

Collin Sewell: Odessa Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year
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