On-screen smoking is rising, even though it influences young people to use tobacco
Lights, Camera, Tobacco?
On-screen smoking, which is often glamorized and portrayed as edgy and cool, is rising despite well-established research that it influences young people to start using tobacco products. Truth Initiative’s sixth annual analysis of tobacco imagery in popular entertainment finds increasingly pervasive smoking imagery in 2022’s most popular streaming shows among 15- to 24-year-olds, music videos, as well as youth-rated movies. Truth Initiative, along with research collaborators at Breathe California and NORC at the University of Chicago, has tracked tobacco imagery in entertainment most popular with young people since 2018. Read the report here.
This week in tobacco policy news
Hawaii – A bill that would have repealed preempting county ordinances and regulations of tobacco products died when it was not considered in the House Finance Committee before the March 1st deadline.
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