Families say it's 'shameful' for them to stay alone outside the home
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Honor Culture Prevents Corona Treatment, Quarantine ([link removed]) Families say it's 'shameful' for them to stay alone outside the home Read and Share ([link removed])
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COVID-19: Neo-Nazis Capitalize on Crisis ([link removed]) Podcast with the former commander of the largest Nazi party in the US Listen and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Linda Sarsour Touts Corona Fundraiser for Terror-Tied Org ([link removed]) The funds will help the 'people of Gaza' (read: Hamas) Read and Share ([link removed])
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White Supremacists Planning to Weaponize Coronavirus ([link removed]) Targeting police, nonwhites and Jews with infected saliva News ([link removed])
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Readers Write
NY Brotherhood Activist Vows to Infect Others With Corona ([link removed])
“From day one of their history their hateful goal hasn’t faltered.”
- M.O.
Ilhan Omar: Cancel ‘Muslim’ Travel Ban Now ([link removed])
“Why do you want this, oh never mind we know why, it's your American patriotism.”
- R.R.
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