Dear friend,
Last month, we made a groundbreaking announcement that will enhance emergency response capabilities during school and community safety incidents!

Six years ago in Parkland, we witnessed a catastrophic failure in communication and response to the massacre at our high school. Then and countless times since, we’ve seen a critical need to close communication gaps, and improve emergency response efforts. This is where CERA Software comes in.
Introducing the CERA app: “an innovative platform designed to facilitate real-time connectivity and coordination among first responder agencies and individuals in distress during crisis situations.”
Founded by retired Police Commander and Parkland Responder Edward McGovern, and developed by first responders, CERA aims to connect victims and officers in real-time.

Key features of CERA include:
- Establishing Incident Command and mutual aid by connecting all commanders, responders and victims on a single platform.
- Enabling responders to simultaneously achieve major objectives, including stopping threats, containing scenes, and treating/evacuating injuries.
- Designing and meeting the needs of small police and fire departments, which are often underserved by existing technology solutions.
This is one step in the right direction as part of our long fight to keep our children and communities safe from firearm violence.
Friend, this wouldn’t have been possible without supporters who have had enough of living in fear that their schools and communities are no longer safe and secure. Will you donate $25 today so we can continue to work towards finding more solutions like CERA to keep our loved ones safe?
Thank you, friend. We are so grateful for these technological advances, and the people and teams working to create these programs.
– Stand With Parkland