Want to play BINGO with us TONIGHT at 9pm ET / 8pm CT / 6pm PST?

Dear Friend,

It’s time! The State of the Union (SOTU) will happen TONIGHT, Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. EST / 6:00 p.m. PST. We’ll be watching together by the thousands with MomsRising BINGO cards in hand! How about you?

Are you watching the State of the Union (SOTU) this year? Click to let us know, and take a look at our powerful BINGO card!


When you click YES that you’re watching, we’ll share the BINGO card with you so you can play along. If you aren’t watching, we want to know that too, and we’ll share the card with you in hopes you’ll share it with friends who may be tuning in.

What’s happening? In order to make watching engaging and powerful, we've updated our BINGO card for 2024. Last year, thousands and thousands of you played BINGO with us! (And many also followed – and posted too – along with us on Twitter/X @MomsRising and @MamasConPoder with #CareCantWait as a hashtag).

Why SOTU BINGO?  Playing BINGO is a powerful way for us to join together with moms and caregivers across the country to lift the policies which matter the most to us in order to give them some more momentum with leaders, as we also track when the issues of greatest concern to women, moms, and families are covered. (It’s also a good way to get your kids involved too!) 

Don’t forget to let us know if you’re watching by clicking the buttons in this e-mail, whether it’s just you and your snacks, or if you’re hosting a gathering. When you click YES that you’re watching, we’ll share the BINGO card with you so you can play along. If you aren’t, we want to know that too, and we’ll share the card with you in hopes you’ll share it with friends who may be tuning in.

*Are you watching the State of the Union this year? When you click, we’ll share the BINGO card so you can use it or share it with friends and family who might be interested.


We’ll be playing BINGO in real time during the State of the Union tonight on Twitter/X at @MomsRising and @MamasConPoder with the hashtag #CareCantWait and we hope you join us!

*Here's how it works: Every time one of the issues on the card is mentioned, you can mark it down on the BINGO card — and maybe even raise a juice box or sippy cup in a cheer! This is a great way to have fun watching with kids too! We’ll share on Twitter when we make a mark along with the hashtags #CareCantWait and #SOTU 

YOU can also share on Twitter/X too, with the hashtag #CareCantWait, when an item on your BINGO card is said in the remarks).

—> We’ll also have the BINGO card in Spanish as well! Follow us @mamasConPoder! 

We know that not everyone is able to watch! The show begins, after all, at bedtime for a lot of our kids (and some grown-ups too!). We’ll be recapping what happens online in real-time AND afterwards on our @MomsRising blog, Facebook, Instagram. And, we’ll make sure to let you know if we get a BINGO.

Are you watching the State of the Union this year?


What’s on the BINGO card?  This BINGO card powerfully reflects the priorities we’re hearing from moms and families across the nation. In fact, many of the squares on the BINGO card represent the Top 10 Priorities of MomsRising — a comprehensive, mom-powered policy platform that we’re sharing with every member of Congress.

All of this makes the BINGO card a visible way to track if the issues that are important to women, moms, dads, kids, and families make it onto center stage during the State of the Union. We'll be tracking issues like fair pay, child care, access to health care, fair treatment of immigrant families, gun violence prevention, maternal health equity, paid family and medical leave, and other family economic and justice policies. And we'll also be on the watch for standing ovations, laughs, and even scowls! It'll be exciting !

Let us know if you are watching - after you click we’ll share the BINGO card:


And don’t forget … you’re invited to play BINGO in real time with us during the speech on Twitter/X and Facebook at @MomsRising and @MamasConPoder at #CareCantWait. If you can’t make it, check us out online after the event to see what happened and whether or not we got a BINGO! 

Have a great evening!

- Amanda, Amy Jo, Beatriz, Beth, Brenna, Claudia, Dede, Diana, Diarra, Donna, dream, Elyssa, Felicia, Gina, Gloria, Hanna, Jacqueline, Jenny, Jessica, Jordan, Joy, Julia, Karen, Keisha, Kelle, Kelsey, Kristin, Lauren, Leanne, Linda, Lisa, Lucrecer, MacKenzie, Maggie, Monifa, Nadia, Namatie, Nancy, Nate, Nina, Ruby, Ruth, Selina, ShaRanda, Sheila, Sue Anne, Tasmiha, Taylor, Tina, and Xochitl

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