
Delicious cookies + practical support for transgender youth and their families = A partnership that we can't be more excited about!

Throughout March, our friends at Mama Bear Sweet Treats will donate 10% of online purchases to the Campaign for Southern Equality and our Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project, which helps families in 15 states navigate cruel anti-transgender healthcare bans. As we head into Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31, this is the perfect time to support trans kids and their families – and devour some tasty cookies in the process.

We know it's a heavy time right now: Anti-transgender laws have swept the nation, and lawmakers and far-right forces are doing everything they can to harm transgender young people and the people who love them. We can't let them spoil our joy, our humanity, and our inherent dignity. One joyful way to resist is by picking up some gorgeous cookies, which can be shipped to anywhere in the United States – check out the roster of deliciousness at and know that you're making a positive impact for young transgender people. Click here to learn more and place an order.

We love the story behind Mama Bear Sweet Treats: In 2021, the founder, Chrissie, started selling cookies in a grassroots fundraising effort for Knox Pride – an LGBTQ+ organization in her hometown of Knoxville, TN. The cookies quickly developed a devoted following, and Mama Bear Sweet Treats was born. Their treats can be found in a number of businesses around the Knoxville area, wherever their ionic pink "dolly cookie trolley" is spotted, and can be shipped nationwide. Throughout their growth, supporting the LGBTQ+ community remained at the heart of Mama Bear Sweet Treats, and we are thrilled to partner with them to further this cause.   

The founders of Mama Bear Sweet Treats know first-hand how important this work is: They are the parents of a transgender child in Tennessee, and they've seen how destructive the state's anti-trans healthcare ban has been. Campaign for Southern Equality has been honored to support families like them across the South through this project, and we're humbled by their generosity in this new partnership.

So go ahead, treat yourself to flavors like Bourbon Banana Pudding and Chocolate Sea Salt, knowing that your purchase will not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but will support good work during a challenging time. 

As the folks at Mama Bear Sweet Treats say, "Spread joy. Eat cookies."

Thank you,
The Campaign for Southern Equality Team

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