 Trade in your lead. Go loon safe instead!
Remember to bring your old lead tackle with you if you are going to Maine?s Sportsman Shows in March and April. You can exchange your lead-sinkers or lead-headed jigs at the Maine Audubon booth for lead-free alternatives.?
Eastern Maine Sportsmen's Show New Balance Field House, University of Maine, Orono Friday, March 15 - Sunday, March 17
Aroostook Spring Sportsman's Show The Forum, 24 Chapman Road, Presque Isle Saturday, March 23 - Sunday, March 24
Understanding the Law
Lead Law Effective through August 31, 2024
Lead Sinkers
The sale and use of lead sinkers not meeting the length (2.5 inches) and/or weight (1 ounce) requirements is prohibited. If a lead sinker is over 2.5 inches in length or it weighs over 1 ounce or both it is legal to use and sell or offer for sale.
If a sinker contains ANY amount of lead, it is considered illegal if it doesn't meet the length and weight requirements.
Bare Lead Jigs
The sale and use of bare lead jigs not meeting the length (2.5 inches) and/or weight (1 ounce) requirements are prohibited.
Upcoming Lead-Related Law Changes for Painted Jigs
Currently, the sale and use of lead jigs not meeting the length (2.5 inches) and/or weight (1 ounce) requirements is permissible?if the lead jig is painted. Beginning September 1, 2024, the sale or offer for sale of painted lead jigs weighing one ounce or less or measuring 2 1/2 inches or less in length is prohibited. Effective September 1, 2026, the use of painted lead jigs weighing one ounce or less or measuring 2 1/2 inches or less in length is prohibited.
View all of Maine's fishing laws