Dear John, I’d like to highlight some of the accomplishments we made with our partners this past year and ask you to commit to this vital movement for a more just world by making your first donation.
When you contribute to this collective effort, you ensure we can leverage every victory into more widespread reform. For example: -
To guarantee voting rights, last year, we worked with partners in Minnesota and New Mexico to develop a successful strategy for expanding voting rights to justice-involved citizens, helping more than 60,000 individuals regain the right to vote. Now we're working to replicate these efforts in new jurisdictions to ensure as many Americans as possible are able to participate in the upcoming Presidential election.
To promote youth justice, our recent research catalyzed widespread interest in diversion programs as an alternative to youth incarceration – but our partners needed a reliable blueprint to help advance long-lasting change. In response, we're working to publish new resources that will help communities across the country implement successful diversion programs and ensure a better future for young people.
To end extreme sentencing, we launched our Second Look Network, a community of advocates and attorneys working to give individuals serving lengthy or unfair sentences a chance to come home. The network provides members training and support they need to successfully help people safely return home from prison.
As our impact expands, we’re committed to amplifying the work, voices, and leadership of individuals and communities directly impacted by the criminal legal system. Please stand in solidarity with them — and us — by making your first gift to The Sentencing Project today. This work is only possible thanks to you and others who continue to invest in our vision. |