
The primary election is over, and I'm officially the Democratic nominee running to unseat Ken Calvert.

Polls closed less than 24 hours ago, and Ken Calvert’s first order of business now that we’re in the General Election is to co-host a fundraiser for his biggest ally, Donald Trump.


This shouldn’t surprise us, John. Calvert’s record says it all: 

- Supported Trump’s Big Lie,
- Voted to overturn the 2020 election,
- And he proudly touts having Trump’s endorsement.

MAGA is taking over the entire Republican Party, and Calvert is making it clear where his loyalties will lie if he remains in Congress. It’s on us to stop him:

The General Election is set. Now is the time to chip in $3 to help us beat Trump’s handpicked Republican and flip the House from red to blue.

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