Triple your impact, Friend. Our climate depends on it.
Friend — you’ve seen the news: Last night, Donald Trump won the overwhelming majority of delegates across 16 states that held their primary elections, and Nikki Haley suspended her campaign this morning. Donald Trump is now the presumptive Republican nominee for president this November.

Right now, Trump is leading President Biden in early polling across key swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin. We have to act quickly if we’re going to have a chance to stop Trump’s momentum and prevent his climate-killing policies from becoming a reality once again.

Four years ago, we delivered the most effective large-scale environmental voter turnout program in the country — and we won. We need your help to pull it off again this November.

The strong climate and democracy policies that our movement achieved over the past four years are on the ballot this November. Please, donate to the LCV Victory Fund today. Your contribution will be tripled if you give today >>

Make no mistake, continued environmental progress rests on the shoulders of our movement, Friend. In 2020, we conducted in-depth research with undecided voters in swing states around the country.

What we learned was shocking. There were large portions of the public that cared deeply about the environment — but didn’t know about Trump’s destructive and dangerous environmental policies.

Now, in 2024, we’re seeing this play out again: Recent surveys show voters haven’t heard about Trump’s literal threats to become a dictator. Meanwhile, these same swing state voters aren’t aware of Biden’s major environmental investments happening in their states and around the country.

We know we can fix this disconnect — because we’ve done it already: In 2020, when we spoke with voters about Trump’s climate-killing policies, their votes shifted in a serious wayas much as a 20-point swing in some places. That’s how our canvass programs got results in 2020.

But here’s the thing: we need to be having those same kinds of conversations with voters NOW. The investments we make now, when voters are still shaping their opinions of candidates in key races, will decide this election. I promise you, your contribution will have a real and direct impact on the outcome of this race — and the future of this planet.

Right now, the most effective thing you can do to win critical races for the environment is to donate to the LCV Victory Fund. Every contribution before the end of the month will be tripled, so please don’t wait >>

I’m so grateful to have you in our movement, Friend. Together, I’m confident that we can turn the tide and win in November.


Pete Maysmith
Senior Vice President, Campaigns
LCV Victory Fund
Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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