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Our work continues...

What is the National Disability Rights Conference?

Each year the staff of the nation’s disability rights agencies are joined by board members, mental health advisory councils, colleagues, disability advocates, attorneys, and our federal partners gather together for intensive training, hard work, collaboration….and a bit of fun! With dozens of training sessions and workshops rooted in legal and civil rights advocacy, NDRN2024 is a wonderful opportunity for participants to build skills, renew and deepen your commitment to equality for people with disabilities and meet, network with, and learn from experts from around the country.

Who Can Attend?

The National Disability Rights Virtual Annual Conference is the premier event for everyone who wants to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. This year, more than 20 sessions are open to the public - that means you! Join us!

Continue Your Legal Education

NDRN2024 is an excellent opportunity for attorneys seeking Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits at an affordable price. Check the agenda to find all the CLE-eligible sessions.

How Much Does it Cost?

The registration cost to attend this year's in-person conference is based on the number of days you choose to attend. 

1-Day Pass - $325
2-Day Pass - $650
3-Day Pass - $975
4-Day Pass - $1150

Sessions Open to the Public

June 4, 2024
Networking Session
Inclusive Democracy: The 2024 US Presidential Election
Accessible Ballot Marking Device (BMD) Fair
Aging in Prison
Orientation for New P&A/CAP Network Staff and Members
Race Class Narrative
Vicarious Trauma

June 4, 2024
Everyone Can Work! Individuals with the Most Significant Disabilities and Customized Employment
NDRN Documentary Premiere

June 5, 2024
Improving VR Employment & Retention Outcomes: The Role of Financial Education
Partnering with Voters with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities on Election Issues
Access to Justice for Victims of Crime with Disabilities: The ADA and Victims' Rights
Documentary Filmmaking
How We Show Up for Underrecognized Communities
Pre-Employment Transition Services – History, Promises, Tensions, and Advocacy Approaches
Understanding the Purpose of the SRC & CAP's Role in the Process
P&A Approaches to Increase Substance Abuse/MOUD Treatment For Minors And Others in State Custody
Social Media – Under or Over Tapped Resource To Educate Policymakers?
Tech Literacy as an Outreach Strategy

June 6, 2024
Ability One and Randolph Sheppard: Federally Created Employment Programs
Don't Talk About It, Be About It: Better Voter Outreach Through a DEI Framework
The Sky's the Limit: From Legal Policies to Labor

the United States Capitol Building

Can't attend? Consider Donating to NDRN

Your donations to NDRN will help us continue to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities in Washington, DC and around the country.


National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 | Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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