As we navigate this new crisis in our world, we are grateful that our community is taking every precaution to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Tarrant County. At Alliance For Children, we are thankful to spend time with our families in the safety of our homes, but also recognize that for many children home might not be a safe place. Our hearts are broken for those children who have lost the refuge of their school and are now home with their abusers.

For children who need our immediate protection, our doors are open and our staff and partners are ready to take action. Alliance For Children continues to coordinate child abuse investigations involving life-threatening physical abuse, sexual abuse, and child witnesses to violent crime. 
Now more than ever, we need your support to care for our most vulnerable children and families.  
Families are facing loss of childcare, loss of school support, and even loss of employment. They cannot recover from these losses without help. As families heal from the trauma of abuse, they will need us to help mitigate stress and restore depleted resources.

We recognize that many children in dangerous environments have lost the trusted adults they saw daily at school. It is our responsibility as a community to be the eyes and ears for children in need and take action if you suspect abuse. Find more information on what to look for and how to react by following the resources at the bottom of this page.
YOU can be a line of defense for a child. We ask you to stand with us during this crisis for children and families who are impacted by trauma both during and beyond the pandemic of COVID-19.  
Help us continue to serve families impacted by the trauma of abuse.
With Appreciation,

Julie Evans
Chief Executive Officer