In my previous role, where I served as senior executive of some of the most iconic organizations in the United States and as an investigator for Congress, I've let my actions speak louder than my words. My moral compass points toward helping others. Here are some examples of how I've put that into action:
1) Leading work to provide humanitarian assistance along the southern border.
2) Helping lead the response to the mass shooting in El Paso.
3) Coordinating efforts to end genocides, mass atrocities and human trafficking in developing countries.
4) Responding to terrorist attacks and natural disasters (9/11, Hurricanes Katrina and Harvey).
5) Conducting national security investigations with a top secret clearance.
6) Leading efforts to provide wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses.
It's time we start sending people to Congress who care more about others than themselves. It's about selflessness and not selfishness.
I'm humbly asking you to join our campaign so that we can bring to Congress facts rather than fear, humanity rather than hatred, and results rather than retribution.