The Shift WA team is deeply appreciative of your assistance during our end-of-month fundraising drive!
Shift Washington

Dear Friends,

A big thank you from all of us at Shift WA for your support in our February end-of-month fundraising efforts! Your generosity plays a vital role in sustaining our mission to cover crucial stories ignored by mainstream media outlets.

As the 2024 legislative session concludes this week, our attention now shifts more fully to the upcoming election. We're already monitoring key races to provide you with up-to-date information. With your ongoing support, we can continue to bring attention to stories that you may not see in your local paper.

In the coming weeks, we're counting on grassroots supporters like you to assist in expanding our readership. We encourage you to help spread the word about Shift WA and our impact across our state.

Let's grow our community of informed voters by enhancing our reach. Click here to share Shift WA on your Facebook page!

Once again, a heartfelt thank you,

The Shift WA Team