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Friend --
Last evening, the Council took a second and final vote on "Secure
DC", passing the large public safety bill with a count of 12 votes
in support and one vote of present. A number of the provisions in the
bill also passed on an emergency basis, meaning it can go into effect
in the next few weeks. I've been updating you on the bill over the
last several months in my email newsletters while it made its way
through the legislative process, and today, I wanted to reach out with
a more in-the-weeds update on the final version.
Public safety is my number one priority, and this bill includes
provisions and changes that I think can both help improve
investigations and prosecutions and also prevent crime in the first
place with more coordinated, whole-of-government interventions. Doing
both and doing so with urgency.

On the
whole, I believe this is a strong and responsive package to the
unacceptable level of violence we’ve seen in our city last year. A lot
of you reached out to me sharing your thoughts along the way. Many
people were in support of the proposal, and many of you asked for the
Council to come to commonsense compromises on several parts of the
bill. I'd like to run through elements of the bill I think will help,
and then go through the more substantive debates and changes made by
the Council yesterday.
I think
the city needs to be very clear - it’s not the
only solution, and yesterday’s action must be paired with actions by
the Mayor - we need a 911 call center that picks up the phone, a crime
lab that can actually process evidence, and a gun violence prevention
plan in place. It also requires the prosecutors to charge cases, the
courts to make wise decisions, the DC Jail and Bureau of Prisons to
have an actual plan when someone is coming home after incarceration,
and many more partners have to act. The District already has laws on
the books with strong penalties that deal with most crimes. At times,
it feels like we're trying to build workarounds for arrests that
aren’t prosecuted, systems that aren’t working, and federal agencies
who won’t work with us. But with yesterday's passage of Secure DC, I
hope to see other partners step up as well.
Here are
a few areas in the bill that I think will directly reduce violent
crime once it takes effect:
- Strengthening and clarifying our carjacking laws following a
Court of Appeals decision that led to several carjacking prosecutions
not moving forward. I pushed for this change because I think this is a
great example of identifying a gap in our laws and taking action to
change it.
- Making
"shooting reviews" permanent: When we talk about a whole-of-government
approach to preventing violence rather than just reacting, that means
inter-agency coordination and focus. That’s exactly what a shooting
review does, and many cities use them successfully to target
enforcement and services to "hot people" and "hot places". I
introduced this component of the bill and am glad to see it
- Adding
many of the increased gun penalties that I had included in the
criminal code revision the Council moved last year but was
blocked from becoming law by Congress. Again, a gap in our existing
law was identified, and we’re taking action.
- And
finally, thank you to Councilmember Pinto for including my
bill that expands the private security camera rebate program
to now include interior cameras and other safety tools for our local
businesses that suffered a rash of burglaries last year.
One of the major outstanding issues
to settle was DNA collection. As background, the
Council was debating when law enforcement could collect DNA samples
(most often a cheek swab or spit sample) from someone suspected of
committing a crime. Current law is that DNA can't be collected until
someone is convicted of a crime. There was a push to collect DNA from
every person arrested for a felony and certain misdemeanors in DC,
regardless of whether they're actually charged or convicted of the
crime they're accused of (note: there were nearly 18,000 arrests made
last year). The final version of Secure DC strikes the right balance
and instead permits DNA collection when someone has been arrested and
then actually charged by a prosecutor of violent offenses and certain
sexual abuse misdemeanors. With this change, DC is giving law
enforcement more tools to secure a conviction for a violent crime (and
potentially close open cases) and also protecting the civil liberties
of our residents from over reaching. Waiting until a charging decision
is made to collect DNA will ensure this tool is better used, and the
bill also has very strong protections for destroying any samples
collected for someone deemed innocent or where charges are eventually
dropped. As a reminder, I
also introduced legislation to require the city to preserve rape
kits indefinitely where the victim doesn't initially report the rape
to law enforcement. I encourage the Committee on the Judiciary and
Public Safety to move that bill to a vote so if victims come forward
later, law enforcement will be able to use the DNA in those kits to
potentially close open cases by comparing it against the new DNA
collected under the bill we passed today.
On changes to our theft law, the Council voted
12-1 to support an amendment from Councilmember Lewis George to
maintain the threshold for when theft is a felony - versus a
misdemeanor - at $1,000 for the total value of stolen items or
cumulative value over time. There was an effort to lower the theft
threshold to $500, which would have made the District an outlier on
what our standard for felony theft would be. It also wouldn't change
the fact that most theft cases aren't charged by prosecutors. The
felony threshold approved by the Council is the same as most other
states, like Michigan, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, West Virginia,
and many more. An important note: I want to distinguish this theft
provision and crime from the other provisions in the bill dealing with
strengthening laws on organized theft at retailers, which all
I'm glad to see we're once again
pushing the Executive to adopt a strategic, citywide plan on
gun violence and violent crime reduction – I funded this plan
a few years ago and then, after it was developed, pushed for it to be
adopted and implemented many, many times as Chair of the Council's
Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. I want the Executive to
adopt the comprehensive plan we already paid for, developed by the Criminal
Justice Coordinating Council and the National Institute for Criminal
Justice Reform, which has sat on a shelf since it was completed in
2022 (though I did hold a hearing
on it that year). It’s a good plan and one we can execute quickly.
Thank you to my colleague Councilmember Trayon White for this
amendment, although it will only matter if the Executive takes it
This won’t be the end of our
efforts. For example, I’m working on legislation to get at one of the
canaries in the coal mine for young people, school
truancy. I know several of my colleagues are taking this on
as well, including Councilmember Robert White, and it’s long been a
priority for the Chairman. I think we can make a lot of progress here
on a complex issue with focus and a few innovative legislative
I believe that Secure DC can help
improve public safety in our city. I also hope DC residents know we’ve
wrestled with this bill tremendously in an effort to get it right. We
all want to see crime go down significantly. This bill is a commitment
from the Council to residents that we take your safety seriously and
that action is more productive than finger pointing – and I hope folks
also recognize these are thorny, challenging issues to get right
without creating inadvertent challenges down the road. Thank you for
your many comments in support, opposition, and in between, and let me
know if you have questions.
Charles Allen