Earth Day is steadily approaching — just under 50 more days until
it’s here! Our theme this year is Planet vs.
Plastics, and we are focusing on demanding a reduction
in plastic use and pollution to create a healthier world for humans
and the environment alike.
For 54 years, Earth Day has been a special event that millions
around the world have contributed to in countless ways. From clean-ups
to protests to teach-ins, this day has been an opportunity to
celebrate our planet and advocate for a greener future.
No matter how you honor the planet, Earth Day can inspire
you to take action and join the environmental movement. While
we are preparing for the big day here at EARTHDAY.ORG, we want to
hear from you!
Please tell us about your first Earth
EARTHDAY.ORG depends upon people like you to keep the movement
alive. On Earth Day and year-round, grassroots organizing and
collaboration allows us to keep fighting for our future. With your
help, we have worked together to tackle environmental problems and
create a better world for generations to come.
Whether you participated in the first Earth Day in 1970 or
you are participating for the first time, your contribution is
important. Please take this opportunity to make your voice
heard and tell us what you have done to protect our planet.
Thank you for taking part in our movement.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
The team at EARTHDAY.ORG