Did you see this, John? The NRA continues to implode. Last year, the NRA ousted its president, Oliver North, after a highly public power struggle at its convention. At the same time, the organization has been slapped with an investigation by the New York Attorney General into its tax-exempt status. Recently, they expanded the investigation to also include campaign finance and more.


The National Rifle Association continues to implode. Last year, the NRA ousted its president, Oliver North, after a highly public power struggle at its convention. At the same time, the organization has been slapped with an investigation by the New York Attorney General into its tax-exempt status. Recently, they expanded the investigation to also include campaign finance and more.

It wasn’t always this way. The NRA was originally founded as a group for hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts. In its early years, it was a proponent of gun safety, including safe storage. But the organization’s mission has strayed — and now, it endangers Americans, including its own members.

Over the years, the NRA has aligned itself with gun manufacturers, with a focus on ensuring that nothing comes in the way of anyone, qualified or unqualified who wants a gun. Today, the NRA’s answer to gun violence is more guns — even in schools and churches.

There are common-sense solutions to end gun violence that the NRA has blocked for decades. But with the NRA in turmoil, now is our chance. Will you give $5 now to help fight the NRA?

John, we know that 97 percent of Americans want expanded background checks, which we fight for every day. Now, with the NRA spiraling into deeper and deeper turmoil, this is our moment to show that Americans are united from coast to coast, young and old, fed up and fired up, in support of common-sense solutions to gun violence. A safer America is in our hands.

Thank you,
Team Brady