Your Intentions - Nine Holy
Masses St. Joseph Novena

Dear Friend,
During last Friday’s Operation
Storm Heaven’s Holy Mass, our Shepherd, Cardinal Burke mentioned this
in his homily: “and the condition of the world and the Church is very
grave, with so much corruption, so much rebellion against God, so much
violence, so much death.” His Eminence urged us to look upon the Lord
of Heaven and Earth, who has conquered sin and death.
There is also another heavenly
source we can invoke for help, regarding all of the chaos and uncertainty in the
world. Let us run to St. Joseph, Protector of Holy Mother Church, who
is the terror of demons and is most valiant in acting boldly, for the
greater glory of God. Joined together in prayer for the Church, the
world, along with all our urgent needs, St. Joseph will come to the
rescue. When we invoke him, the graces of inner peace and patience
will surely be granted to us, along with an answer to our
Run to St. Joseph for a solution to
your most pressing challenges and guidance, for he is the Patron Saint
against doubt, for people in doubt, against hesitation as well as the
Patron Saint for dying people, cemetery workers, a holy and happy
death, grave diggers, accountants, attorneys, civil engineers,
teachers, educators, bursars, confectioners, carpenters, furniture
makers, craftsmen, laborers and working people. St. Joseph is also the
Patron of orphans, emigrants, immigrants, exiles, families, fathers,
children, expectant mothers, unborn children, those who are married,
social justice, house hunters, travelers and people who fight
So many of you have
Consecrated yourselves (and your families) to St. Joseph. Now, let us
reinvigorate our love for the Foster-Father of the Son of God by
submitting our intentions for the Nine Holy Masses, beginning on March
11 and ending on the Solemnity of St. Joseph on
Tuesday, March 19. The nine-day Novena prayers to St. Joseph
will begin on Monday, March 11.
Please submit your intentions now and be enrolled in the Novena to St.
Joseph. Please include an intention that Cardinal Burke will receive
an abundance of grace. If St. Joseph has come to your aid, in any way,
then include a petition of thanksgiving, for all favors
May St. Joseph, Solace of the
Afflicted, who is most obedient, faithful and just, take all of our
interests and desires to Jesus.
Yours in the Holy Family of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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