Hi, it’s Marcus Flowers, an Army Veteran and Democrat running for
Congress in Georgia.
In 2022, I ran against Marjorie Taylor Greene. Now, after
redistricting, I’m taking on an Incumbent who gets 96% of his
campaign funding directly from Corporate PACs.
Yes, you read that right.
Here’s the deal: I’m never going to be funded by Corporate PACs
because I’m running to shake up Congress and deliver for REAL
working-class folks, not mega-corporations interests!
That means, unlike my opponent, I have to rely entirely on
grassroots donors like you to fund my campaign. It may not be the
easiest path - but it’s the right one.
you believe we need Democrats who will stand up to mega-corporations,
consider donating $10, $30, or $50 to my campaign TODAY to help me
fight back.