Please let us know your thoughts on the current state of things as they relate to the Coronavirus and the way our governments – Federal, State, and local – have responded to the crisis. COMPLETE YOUR SURVEY The United States continues to be at war with an unexpected, invisible enemy.
In just a matter of weeks, the Trump Administration's Coronavirus Task Force, led by Vice President Mike Pence, asked most Americans to social distance for 15 days to slow the spread of the deadly virus. And now, we are nearly to the end of those 15 days! Keep checking our Coronavirus Response page to stay updated on the 15-day guidelines and other information.
In an attempt to ward off economic collapse, Congress drafted (and now passed) a spending bill with direct payments to individual Americans, as well as provisions for small businesses to offset the rapid economic fall we’ve experienced. While there should be vigorous debate about a $2.2 trillion spending bill and the provisions therein, there is absolutely no place for the left-wing political/policy goals that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats tried to shoehorn (successfully in some cases) into a bill supposedly meant to provide economic relief from the Coronavirus fallout.
While the Democrats beclowned themselves as they tried to get long-desired left-wing policies inserted into the legislation, President Trump continued to be the proven leader that America needed during the good times and the bad. As he said, we will defeat this virus, and “strong and united, we will prevail.”
We have put together a Twitter thread detailing actions taken by the Trump Administration to stop the spread of the Coronavirus because the media is already trying to craft the narrative that President Trump didn’t move fast enough and wasn’t serious enough about the virus early on. As you’ll see, our detailed thread shows their claims to be false.
Please retweet the thread and help us spread the word by using the hashtag: #TrumpSavedLives
Jenny Beth Martin: Act Quickly, But Let Congress Have a Serious Debate In America, we are known for having thoughtful discussions about painful topics. But as the federal, state, and even municipal governments around the country are making decisions and taking actions to respond to the threat of the coronavirus...
We have put together a Twitter thread detailing actions taken by the Trump Administration to stop the spread of the Coronavirus because the media is already trying to craft the narrative that President Trump didn’t move fast enough and wasn’t serious enough about the virus early on. As you’ll see, our detailed thread shows their claims to be false.
Please share the thread and help us spread the word by using the hashtag: #TrumpSavedLives
During the coronavirus crisis, Americans need baseball Major League Baseball’s pre-planned Opening Day, originally scheduled for today, is postponed. Indefinitely.? As with so much in American life these days, baseball is on hold. No one knows.....
During these days of staying at home and social-distancing, be sure to spend some time watching two of our most successful documentaries.
The first is about the harms of socialized medicine and we created it back in 2012 to fight back against Obamacare. The Determinators: Whoever Pays Holds the Power specifically touches on the ethical and moral problems that always arise when health care is run by the government. Just like in Italy today, where they are deciding who gets ventilators and lives and who doesn’t, socialized medicine will allow someone in the government to decide whether or not you get care. Watch now.
The second is Border States of America, our first-hand look at the chaos and dangers of having a porous southern border. Border States was narrated by award-winning actor and filmmaker, Nick Searcy, who has been in dozens of blockbusters and was the director of Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. Watch Now. Please let us know your thoughts on the current state of things as they relate to the Coronavirus and the way our governments – Federal, State, and local – have responded to the crisis. COMPLETE YOUR SURVEY How Will the Spending Be Spun? (Featuring comments from Jenny Beth Martin)
While politicians continue to debate partisan spending packages to "stimulate" the American economy, the truth is, what will stimulate the American economy more that anything is getting the American people back to work.
Furthermore, Dr. Birx had made it clear, every state, and every region doesn’t need the same precautions – just like in politics the needs of New York City are different than the needs of West Texas.
Taking into consideration the diverse regions in our country, the Administration has outlined goals that me must work towards in order to save our economy from long-term recession (and these don't require partisan spending packages): By taking these steps, we, the American people, can beat this deadly virus and get our country back to work!
Trump Has Been Right on China All Along History, it is said, records American presidents’ legacies with a single line—Washington was the father of our country, Lincoln freed the slaves, FDR ended the Depression and won the war....
Nothing drives us crazy more than Congressional Democrats putting their personal political agenda, before the American people.
Although it's to be expected at this point based on their repeated history of putting the American people second to themselves, their corrupt actions make one thing clear: They don't care about the health and well-being of their constituents. Instead they're more focused on sneaking in funding for their pet projects into a relief bill meant to help Americans who have lost their jobs due to government mandated shutdowns. These pet products are no other than:
What do these have to do with combatting this deadly virus? Absolutely nothing.
Their corrupt, selfish actions are shameful. Please let us know your thoughts on the current state of things as they relate to the Coronavirus and the way our governments – Federal, State, and local – have responded to the crisis. COMPLETE YOUR SURVEY
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