Grassley Direct

On my weekly "Capitol Hill Report," I spoke with Nikki Thunder of KCHE in Cherokee and Eric Vansickle of the Waverly Newspapers about red flag gun laws, trade and prescription drug pricing.

Q&A: Iowa State Fair

Q. What draws people to the Iowa State Fair year after year? 
Q. How many years have you been attending the Iowa State Fair?

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Along with the only other farmer in the Senate, Jon Tester from Montana, I sent a letter to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) outlining key priorities to help family farmers compete with large corporations. We urged USDA to provide protections for livestock and poultry farmers against unfair and deceptive practices by meatpackers and poultry companies, as well as to stop companies from giving unreasonable preference to some farmers over others. 

From farm and construction equipment to medical devices and wind turbines, Iowans have brought innovation and ingenuity to America’s manufacturing industry. More than $3 billion of Iowa’s manufactured products went to Canada; more than $1 billion to Mexico. Further, more than 25,000 Iowa manufacturing jobs are tied to exports to Canada and Mexico. To preserve and improve the important trade relationship between the U.S., Canada and Mexico, Congress needs to pass the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) without delay. Passage of USMCA is necessary to keep Iowa’s manufacturing industry strong and growing. It’s also vital for many other important industries in our state, including dairy and pork. Read more in my op-ed here.

As part of my oversight work, I sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to investigate whether the IRS was inconsistent in determining willful noncompliance by their staff members. It is important that the IRS, which is in charge of enforcing our nation’s tax laws, hold its employees to the same standard as every other taxpayer. If taxpayers lack faith in the ability of the IRS to police its own workforce, they will lose faith in the ability of the IRS to administer the tax code fairly to everyone else. I received a response from the IRS Commissioner which directly addressed my concerns and it appears they've taken decisive steps to correct the issues I highlighted.

Post of the Week


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