From John Ammon <[email protected]>
Subject 2024 Election Will Be Neither Free Nor Fair
Date March 5, 2024 7:11 PM
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The 2024 Election Will Be Neither Free Nor Fair [[link removed]]
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Man is a creature that can get accustomed to anything,” said Dostoyevsky, and indeed, we’ve become so accustomed to the manipulation of our elections that it’s become almost the norm. But the Democrats have already far exceeded even their previous serious misdeeds. Conservative complaints about this tend to be dismissed as conspiracy-mongering or poor sportsmanship. But to pretend that the Democrats’ actions since November 2020 are just part of the rough-and-tumble of politics is to ignore a mountain of evidence staring us in the face.
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Edmund Burke was a British statesman: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Charles Hilu reporter for The Washington Free Beacon: “You were asking me about a cognitive test. As it relates to that, look, the president doesn’t need a cognitive test. That is not my assessment. That is not my assessment. That is the assessment of the president’s doctor. That is also the assessment of the neurologist,” Jean-Pierre told reporters at the White House in a press briefing. ABC News’s senior White House correspondent, Selina Wang, had asked if Biden’s appointment included a test. Jean-Pierre added that Biden “passes a cognitive test every day,” a belief his doctor shares, she said.

Miranda Devine reporter for New York Post: Laken Riley should not be dead. If Joe Biden had not opened the borders with a slew of executive orders on his first day as president, the bubbly University of Georgia nursing student would be alive.
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State Universities Are Teaching Students To Blow Up Oil Pipelines, Records Show [[link removed]]

"How to Blow Up A Pipeline" author wants to send message to "capitalists’ that ‘their properties will be trashed".

At least sixteen universities are promoting the book “How to Blow Up A Pipeline,” which outlines for readers how to commit eco-terrorism — oftentimes making it required reading, a Daily Wire investigation found.
9 Ways The Feds Are Using ‘Bidenbucks’ To Rig The 2024 Election [[link removed]]

Joe Biden is using taxpayer money to run a highly partisan get-out-the-vote operation designed to rig the 2024 election in Democrats favor.

Nearly three years have passed since President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14019, an overreaching directive aimed at inserting the federal government into state election administration.

While deceptively marketed as a heroic effort to enhance “American democracy,” Biden’s directive is far more partisan than the White House and regime-aligned media are willing to admit. The order instructed hundreds of federal agencies to interfere in the electoral process by using U.S. taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities. More specifically, federal departments were told to collaborate with so-called “nonpartisan third-party organizations” that have been “approved” by the administration to supply “voter registration services on agency premises.”
Proposal To Ban Tracking Firearms Through Purchases [[link removed]]

Restricting the use of a merchant category code to track transactions for firearms and ammunition sales has been proposed by Republican U.S. Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York, Richard Hudson of North Carolina, and Andy Barr of Kentucky.The implementation of the MCC, as it is commonly known, happened in September 2022 by the International Organization for Standardization. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express paused the implementation, and Hudson said he’s questioned it from the outset..
IMMIGRATION: They Got Us Right Where They Want Us [[link removed]]

Open borders Christians wage open warfare on Americans.

Social media lit up with commentary after a bizarre commercial for a group called “He Gets Us” aired during the Super Bowl.

The ad, which you can watch here, consists of still images that depict BLM- and DEI-approved progressive archetypes getting their feet washed by other people, like cops. A white priest washes the feet of a gay black man who took off his rollerskates for the honor. A tattooed gal has her feet washed by a white woman outside the doors of an abortion clinic. Another white lady gazes beatifically at a hijabi while she washes her Muslim feet. Just as Jesus would have wanted.

The nauseating ads were produced by a far-leftwing ad agency and paid for by a group of white Christian boomers who run a charitable organization called “Come Near.”
VIDEO: MSNBC Segment Promoting the Book "White Rural Rage" is the Most Racist Thing You Will Watch Today. [[link removed]]
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