
I was born in 1952, as America and the world were emerging from a devastating war. Times weren't always easy. But, thanks to the perseverance and hard work of my mother and father – and the strength of the labor movement– we had enough. My siblings and I were able to grow and build on the hard work of our parents and grandparents.

While we dragged our feet before getting into the war effort, the U.S. eventually locked arms with our allies and bravely stood against a darkness that threatened to unravel our most basic freedoms.American families sacrificed to liberate the world from a growing, hateful tyranny.

We're once again facing historic challenges that demand nothing less than our best.

America is getting more politically polarized. Temperatures are rising. And freedoms that we long held as sacred are weakening.

I'm not only talking about how the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, but also the concerted campaign to roll back rights across the country — from reproductive health access to the attacks on the right to vote itself.

Not to mention the urgency of addressing climate change, arguably the greatest threat to our continued survival as a nation and people, or the basic economic challenges that are harming hard-working families in every state.

Choices have consequences, and the consequences of the decisions we make today will outlast you, me, and our children.

When I think about these questions and the scope of action we need, I think of my grandkids, who'll face the results of our actions and inactions.

(This is my grandson, Kal. He came to see what I do at the capitol all day, and looked ready to gavel-in the legislative session!)

I keep photos of them in my office in Olympia because they remind me that, as Lieutenant Governor, I have a responsibility to the next generation. Recently, I wrote to you about the difference between hope and optimism — optimism relies on the belief that things will get better and hope is the belief that our actions will make things better. And while I may not be optimistic about the challenges we face, I am filled with hope as I look at those photos and conclude that:

We won't hold back from solving our most dire challenges.

Our parents and grandparents never turned away when facing some of the darkest challenges humanity has ever seen, and their perseverance remains as an inspiration to all of us.

Now it's our turn and our responsibility to rise to the myriad of challenges we are facing because, just like we counted on our parents and grandparents, the next generation is counting on us.
