We’re on track to have record low turnout, so make your voice heard!
It’s Election Day!! With less than 15% of ballots returned, our main goal right now is making sure people vote. You can vote in person, drop your ballot in a dropbox by 8 PM, or return your ballot in the mail—just ensure it is postmarked by TODAY.
And because there’s still outreach to be done, we’re asking one last time: Can you give right now to power our final GOTV push?
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Katie has run this race the right way: without a dime from corporate PACs, federal lobbyists, or Big Oil, Big Pharma, or Big Bank CEOs. She’s the only candidate in this race who can say that. And thanks to you and other grassroots supporters, we’ve still been able to compete in this competitive, expensive race.
–Team KP
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