Elizabeth Warren has a plan to turbocharge coronavirus testing.

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SIGN THE PETITION:The Trump Administration should utilize emergency war powers of the Defense Production Act to mass-produce and coordinate distribution of coronavirus test kits ad other critical testing supplies.

The New York Times reports that mayors across the country report urgently needing nearly 8 million coronavirus test kits. The Trump Administration has reluctantly so far agreed to use emergency war powers to make only 60,000.

Testing on a massive scale is imperative to slow the spread of the virus and, eventually, get healthy people back to work. Arbitrary deadlines like Trump's call for packed churches on Easter won't do it -- they'll increase the spread of the disease and cause more deaths, not less!

Elizabeth Warren just released a new plan to address the urgent need for coronavirus testing, calling for a massive increase in testing capacity so the U.S. has the information it needs to slow the spread of the virus and get people back to work.

Can you sign the petition to demand that Trump use emergency war powers to mass-produce and coordinate distribution of millions of test kits and other critical testing supplies?

In the plan, Warren calls on Congress to force Trump to utilize the Defense Production Act to compel manufacturers to use their facilities to produce protective equipment and other medical supplies desperately needed to ramp up coronavirus testing.

Trump has been unconscionably slow to act. Vox reports that Trump "has said publicly he’s worried it’ll look too much like socialism." Meanwhile mayors, governors and epidemiologists are begging the administration for testing supplies.

We’ll hand signatures on this petition over to Warren, who is doing everything in her power to get Trump to act.

Can you sign the petition to demand that Trump use emergency war powers to mass-produce and coordinate distribution of critical testing supplies?

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