Design a T-Shirt for
AVFCA's Spring Fundraising Efforts!
A Voice for Choice Advocacy is getting ready for our Spring Fundraising Campaign to support our amazing team to lead the way in legislation and legal cases in California in 2024! As part of that we would like to update our AVFCA's T-Shirt selection and bring some fun, catchy and/or informative T-Shirts to our store.
Are you creative or have an idea that you want to see on a T-Shirt that fits with AVFCA’s Mission to educate, advocate and empower people to know their health rights, including getting toxics out, informed choice and transparency of what goes into your body, and medical privacy? Then AVFCA wants to hear from you! The contest is open to everyone, with a maximum of two submissions per person!
Designs can include slogans, images or both. If not using original slogans or images, please be sure to check for any copyright issues before submitting.
Submit your T-Shirt design by 10pm PST Friday March 15, 2024 to [email protected], or by responding to this email.
Up to three winners will be selected by AVFCA's team and will be announced by Friday March 22, 2024. Winners will have their T-shirt design featured in the AVFCA store and on our social medial platforms. They will also recieve a AVFCA goodie basket including 3 free T-shirts of their design, other AVFCA swag and 2 books or videos of their choice from our store.
Can't wait to recieve your entries!
Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
