John, I recently filed legislation to address a gaping need in our healthcare system:

This issue is personal for me, John, because my wife and I remember the challenges of navigating a broken system when our twins were born 14 weeks early.
The costs associated with providing life-saving nutritional care for premature babies are astronomical, and are simply prohibitively expensive for a lot (if not most) working families.
No parent should have to deal with the heartbreaking struggle of trying to find ways to pay for life-saving treatment for a child. That’s why I introduced this legislation.
I’m fighting for working families every single day in Congress, John, but there’s still a lot of work to be done — and we’ll be able to do a lot more if we flip the House.
Would you please consider donating toward my campaign to defend KY-03 so we can retake the House in November and make health care more affordable for working families?
I really appreciate your support, John, so thanks in advance.
—Morgan McGarvey