March 5, 2024
For much of the past year we've been highlighting many of Jim Himes' Congressional votes - most of which would never pass a vote taken by the citizens of CT-4, whom he's supposed to represent. Many of the grassroots in CT have known for years that when Mr. Himes was a rising senior at Harvard in 1987, he spent that July and August in Nicaragua, living among the Sandinistas, studying and analyzing the strategy and mechanics of their communist revolution and his senior thesis documenting it all is now public.
This info and the thesis itself have been circulated to a broad sector of the mainstream CT press on more than one occasion over the past decade to no avail. It can be seen here:
Those reporters and media outlets have kept a tight lid on it all, not the slightest bit curious about Mr. Himes' heavy investment in time covering a communist revolution on the ground and living among the shock troops enforcing the Sandinista's cultural change. These experiences have shaped Himes' world-view - and they inform what was otherwise an "inexplicable" voting record. After 16 years of Himes votes we're $23 trillion deeper in debt, our border is wide open, and our schools are indoctrinating our children. Our country is in an historic Economic, Cultural, and Political crisis. Yes, there IS a connection!
Since the media refuse to cover our congressman's votes, I'm going directly to the citizens with the below billboard, which has gone up in the heart of the 4th District.