Dear  SPUC supporter,

As you know, proposals to decriminalise abortion are due to be brought before the Commons in the coming weeks. The battle is heating up – the issue has gained media attention and MPs on both sides are making their views public.

Dame Diana Johnson’s amendment (New Clause 1) to the Government’s Criminal Justice Bill for debate at Report stage would remove any restrictions from women relating to abortion, allowing DIY abortion up to birth for any reason. It represents one of the biggest threats to the unborn in England and Wales in 50 years.

SPUC supporters have already been writing to their MPs, asking them to oppose it. But we need to do more. We need people going to see their MPs and making clear to them just how much is at stake.

That is why we are putting on a special live webinar on how to really put pressure on your MP to vote against this barbaric amendment.

Please join us on Wednesday 6th March at 19:00. I know this is short notice, but the amendment could be debated as soon as 18th March, and we need to leave time for you to see your MP!

Please register for the webinar here, and you will be sent the zoom details.

Register here
Thank You for campaigning with us.

With best wishes
Alithea Williams
​Public Policy Manager
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